Hardware Specifications of VT DSO-2820, a PC USB Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Signal Generator, Data Logger, powered by Multi-Instrument. Download and try the virtual instrument software out with your sound card!
1.2 Virtins Technology Pulse Width Counter Trigger Hysteresis Counter Trigger Level Frequency Divider DDP Viewer DDP & UDDP display Sound Card Oscilloscope Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer Sound Card Signal Generator Multi- Instrument Lite √√√ Multi- Instrument Standard √√√ Multi- Instrument Pro √√...
(focus on embedded Linux application -UPS network card, STM32MP151 based)) 2. Design and Implement product features 3. Triage and resolve customer issues 4. Collaborate with other development teams on features and issues 5. Provide training, guidance, and mentorship to less experienced staff ...
Hardware Specifications of VT DSO-2820R, a PC USB Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer, Signal Generator, Data Logger, powered by Multi-Instrument. Download and try the virutal instrument software out with your sound card!