Tower 700 与 Tower 500S 分别安装Mbox Pro声卡,然后,把两台Mbox Pro的SPDIF接口用两条莲花线对连起来(In对Out,Out对In)。在两台电脑上,分别打开Cubase软件,然后在Cubase软件中设置两个工作站联机。在Cubase 菜单--设备设置(Device Setup)--VST System Link,选择此菜单,在IN,OUT分别选择Mbox Pro的SPDIF接口。...
史泰龙的传人 崭露头角 2 help QQ范大可 默默无闻 1 我也遇到同样的问题 QQ范大可 默默无闻 1 cubase 也遇到同样的问题 VST system link被取消激活!!因为太多接收错误 one & MixCraft Pro Studio 9 就沒问题登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧...
Premium VST Plugins and 4000 Audio Effects Plus VST Synths For Steinberg Cubase SX, LE, Fruity Loops. With VST Wrapper, VST Instruments and Music Creation Software. Royalty Free and No License Restrictions
Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter...
vst opens first time in cubase...but after closing...crashed/hangs the system...and won't reopen file system (most likely until the .dll has been uninstalled) producer matt / August 22, 2014 Quote dude...i figured it out (apologies if answer listed above) is a mono/stereo ...
The VST plug-in conforms to VSTi v2.4 and has been tested with FL Studio, Cakewalk Sonar, Ableton Live, Tracktion, Cubase, Nuendo, Reaper, Bitwig, EnergyXT, Studio One, Renoise, Harrison Mixbus, Propellerhead Reason, MAGIX Samplitude, Zynewave Podium, MOTU Digital Performer, MuTools MuLab, Ar...
The Smooth Sound of Kenny G at Your Instrument: Perfectly suited for wind controllers such as Akai EWI, Yamaha YDS-150, Aerophone, and keyboard controllers.
But that's beside the point. The comparison was made between Audition as a DAW and other DAW's on the market (ProTools, Cubase and even cheaper options like Tracktion). Audition is in my humble opinion (among other things) a DAW that is almost on par with all o...
–Added support for VST Key (not tested ! we don’t have Cubase) VST Speek text to speech is 100% freeware, the plugin is based on the Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) vocal synthesis software created by Softvoice Inc for the Commodore 64. The original C64 software has been reverse engine...
首先我们进行一些必要的知识普及:机架:能够使用VST插件的音乐软件称为宿主,常用的有 Samplitude (7.0以后的版本), CubaseVST32, CubaseSX, Nuendo, WaveLab, FruityLoops , Orion , Project5, Audition 等等。机架就是用宿主软件来加载 VST效果插件,比如创 新声卡,可以设置KX驱动ASIO与机架连接的通道,在KX驱动上...