绝地求生全军出击VSS图鉴及狙击枪VSS配件伤害数据介绍 VSS,全称为Vintorez Sniper Rifle,是《绝地求生》系列游戏中一种独特的射手步枪。它以其微声、低发射火焰以及近距离的射击能力而备受玩家关注。VSS的主要特点:自带配件:VSS射手步枪自带4倍镜和消音器,这使得玩家在使用时无需额外寻找这些关键配件,...
俄语Vintovka Snayperskaya Spetsialnaya,简写VSS英语即Special Sniper Rifle,特殊狙击步枪,俄罗斯国防部火箭炮兵装备总局GRAU武器编号6P291楼和2楼各说对了一点,确实是Sniper Rifle,但Baidu相关的内容确实建议少看一点 3楼2020-04-01 19:09 收起回复 next 莫辛狂人 9 ...
Die VSS (Russisch: ВинтовкаСнайперскаяСпециальная Vintovka Snaiperskaya Spetsialnaya; Englisch: Special sniper rifle) ist ein russisches DMR. Diese russische Waffe wird seit 1987 in Tula produziert und wird von den russischen Spezialeinheiten, wie der "S...
Special Sniper Rifle VSS Vintorez (VSS) 은 Escape from Tarkov 에 등장하는 소음형 지정사수소총 중 한 가지 입니다. VSS (Vintovka Sniperskaya의 약자, 특수목적 저격소총) 는 일체형 소
3D 模型 产品规格 2,004 多边形 Polygonal 几何 纹理 物料 Unknown 未包装UV 产品编号:211507 Sep 28, 2003 来自Spetsnaz 15个产品 自2001起 3D模型武器武器枪支步枪 3D模型tula VSS (Vintovka Snaiperskaja Spetsialnaya = Special Sniper Rifle) was designed for special operations. Adopted by Russian Military...
第88 1.11号狙击步枪unity3d 资源 unity3d插件 (Sniper Rifle No. 88 1.11 unity3d asset unity3d插件下载 ) unity3d武器资源 55款 突击步枪模型 枪支模型(47T3, Animated 1.0 AK-47) unity3d武器资源 55款 忍者角色模型有武器(High Poly Cyborg Ninja 2.2) ...
Simply put it leads to certain advantages in the middle and short distance gunfights for sniper class.Given the foregoing and the fact of it being easily available, we’ll be temporarily removing Garota from the shop to reevaluate its military characteristics. If you’ve already purchased this ...
This model is free, so please consider liking it. Subscribe for more models like this one! Some history: VSS Vintorez “Thread Cutter” 6P29 (GRAU designation) respectively, a Soviet-designed assault rifle featuring an integral suppressor base
Note: Statistics pulled from http://battlegrounds.party/weapons The VSS Vintorez (Vintovka Snayperskaya Spetsialnaya) is a special sniper/DMR-type suppressed weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. Chambered for a proprietary 9x39mm subsonic cartridge (the in-game vers
rifle firearm russian infantry vintorez combat sniper weaponry sniper-rifle vss soviet-weapon weapon low-poly lowpoly military gun war Firewarden3D, Schwartswald_Fuchs, Naudaff3D and 23 others liked this model Comments You must log in to comment. Log in to commentIn...