With VSP, your vision care comes first. We're committed to providing you with the best choices in eye doctors and eyeglasses, all while saving you hundreds!
Oops! Search Like glasses, links occasionally get lost or broken. We apologize for the inconvenience. This content may have been moved, no longer exists, or is currently unavailable. We suggest refreshing the page, clicking the “back” button on your browser to return to the previous page, ...
When I retired, I lost my employer-sponsored vision insurance. I researched private insurance and discovered VSP. It has been great, a real bargain when compared to other carriers. My optometrist said this was the best plan of the ones they honor. I have been on this plan for four years...
By using our sites, you consent to the recording, use, & sharing of your site activity by us & our providers & agree to our latest Privacy Statement & Terms and Conditions including the class action waiver & mandatory arbitration. Manage your cookie preferences below. Accept Manage ...
身為會員,您可獲得由VSP聯網醫生提供的特價優惠及個人化視力護理。將您和您家人的眼睛健康放在首位。 為何註冊 身為會員,您可獲得由VSP聯網醫生提供的特價優惠及個人化視力護理。將您和您家人的眼睛健康放在首位。 為何註冊 身為會員,您可獲得由VSP聯網醫生提供的特價優惠及個人化視力護理。將您和您家人的眼睛健康放...
VSP makes brokering insurance for vision plans easy by offering a one-stop-shop of resources. Find everything you need to make the most out of selling VSP.
7 steps to get the most from your VSP vision insurance 1. Start early When many people discover they have VSP vision insurance coverage at work, they make the mistake of thinking, "I'll look into that when I have more time." Don't wait. Take advantage of your VSP benefits as soon ...
了解成為VSP會員的多種方式(第一步就是投保!) 1 透過您的僱主投保 詢問您的僱主是否提供VSP視力計劃,或是否在您退休時提供計劃。您可於公開投保及任何適用的重大生活事件(結婚、生育、換工作等)期間進行投保。 2 選擇投保一個可自行購買的計劃。 您正在為您自己或受養人尋找VSP個人承保嗎? 請訪問 StayWithVSP...
Built for your clients. Why VSP? VSP®Vision Care designed VSP Individual Vision Plans to provide solutions for millions without employer-sponsored vision care. Low out-of-pocket costs. Typical member savings over $200 a year.1 Flexible payments. ...
The article reports that Vision Service Plan (VSP) will be launching its Signature Choice Program on April 1, 2007 in the U.S. The program offers, for the first time, vision insurance directly to individual consumers, such as retirees and self-employed. Rob Lynch, chief executive officer (...