第二步:提交报销申请 📝 登录成功后,找到“submit a claim”这个选项,点击进去。你会看到一个链接,点击它。 第三步:创建新报销 📄 接下来,页面会跳转到一个新的界面,滑到最下面,你会看到一个“start new claim”的按钮,点击它。 第四步:填写报销信息 ✍️ 在这个界面里,你需要填写一些基本信息。时间...
They made it difficult to submit a claim. Turns out they only cover up to $60 for an eye exam, with a $15 copay. More appalling, I requested cancellation a few months into my 2nd year, because we don't need the coverage at all. $40/mo. to receive $45/yr. benefit makes zero ...
If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that...
Cisco and Hitachi have joined forces to provide a converged infrastructure solution designed to address the current challenges faced by enterprise businesses and position them for future success. Drawing upon their extensive industry knowledge and innovative technology, this collaborative Cisco CVD p...
Anyone else receive a message this weekend from AFPC asking you to submit your SOU? Not sure if that is a sign that AFPC is getting close to sending out approvals. I did, and judging by the level of panic on the Facebook page over the SOU, everyone else did as well....
Considering Beasley was strictly a slot receiver and Lamb can line up practically anywhere, it's pointless to compare them in depth. However, Beasley's claim that he could eclipse 1,000 yards on 180 targets right now is absurd. He spent last summer with t...