1. Versus Plus:结合了“versus”(对抗、相对)和“plus”(加、更多)的含义。这种组合可能在某些特定的商业或法律文件中出现,表示某一方在对抗中拥有更多的优势或权力。 2. Vertical Submersible Pump:直译为垂直潜水电泵。这种缩写可能在工程或制造业中使用,指的是一种特定的泵类型。 3. Very Special Program:非...
SVsComplusLibrary SVsComponentModelHost SVsComponentSelectorDlg SVsComponentSelectorDlg2 SVsConfigurationManagerDlg SVsCreateAggregateProject SVsDataObjectStringMapManager SVsDataSourceFactory SVsDebuggableProtocol SVsDebugLaunch SVsDebugRemoteDiscoveryUI SVsDebugTargetSelectionService SVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution SVsDet...
crosshole traveltime tomographyJacobian matrix normalizationtriangular shortest path methodTo overcome the difficulty in forward and inversion problem in complex geological model, including undulated topography and irregular subsurface interface, we in this paper realize a multistage triangular shortest-path ...
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This Tutorial is intended for users making their first steps in processing of vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data with the RadExPro Plus. The Tutorial covers all standard stages of basic VSP processing, from data input to building a velocity model of the medium and tying VSP data to seismic...
The management was biased and played favorites with some having political views that they absolutely brought to the job. They had no problems using their power to their advantage despite being very thin skinned. They we condescending and rude all the while acting as if that was a plus and jus...
The reflected events closest to the direct arrival migrate to the well position; hence, we muted the data at the first arrival plus time shifts to eliminate much of the downgoing energy. While the vertical section data did not appear to have obvious S–S reflections, the horizontal section ...