housing, and medical care. In the field of education, China set goals in the Chinese Education Development and Reform Program. The success of education in China rests on the success in the rural areas where the majority of the population resides. This part of China has made a great deal ...
郑曦然 Los Angeles, CA, 1994 政治纯形式办... 2005 郑重宾 上海市, 1961 郑洲 温州市, 1969 智海 钟泗宾 福州市, 1917 周奥 Coimbra, 1979 周春芽 重庆市, 1955 周洁 周金华 德阳市, 1978 周俊辉 1980 周力 1969 周绿云 1924 周宁 周巧儿 周思维 重庆市, 1981 周铁海 上海市, 1966 周啸虎 ...
Chris Kraus - In Order to Pass: Films from 1982 – 1995 (个展)03.24 - 06.23Château Shatto (美国 Los Angeles, CA) (6)(10) 方巍——清晨 (个展)03.24 - 05.06艾可画廊(西岸) (中国 上海市) (1) Gianni Politi - Bodybuilding (个展)03.24 - 05.19McNamara Art Projects (中国 香港) Henry ...