使用指向参数列表的指针写入格式化的输出。 这些函数的版本是vsnprintf、_vsnprintf、_vsnprintf_l、_vsnwprintf、_vsnwprintf_l,具有安全性增强功能,如CRT 中的安全功能中所述。 语法 C复制 intvsnprintf_s(char*buffer,size_tsizeOfBuffer,size_tcount,constchar*format, va_list argptr )...
If you get an undefined external_vsnprintf_serror and are using the Universal C Runtime, addlegacy_stdio_definitions.libto the set of libraries to link. The Universal C Runtime doesn't export this function directly and is instead defined inline in<stdio.h>. F...
Each of these functions takes a pointer to an argument list, then formats and writes up to count characters of the given data to the memory pointed to by buffer and appends a terminating null.If count is _TRUNCATE, then these functions write as much of the string as will fit in ...
} 实测,当格式化字符串的长度大于等于1024时,会崩溃。 改成:vsnprintf_s(logbuff,sizeof(logbuff)-1, format, ap)即可,会自动截断。
编写使用指针参数列表的格式化输出。vsnprintf、_vsnprintf、_vsnprintf_l、_vsnwprintf、_vsnwprintf_l的一些版本提供安全增强功能(如CRT 中的安全功能所述)。 复制 int vsnprintf_s( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, size_t count, const char *format, va_list argptr ); int _vsnprintf_s( char *...
vsnprintf_s,_vsnprintf_s and _vsnwprintf_s return the number of characters written, not including the terminating null, or a negative value if an output error occurs. vsnprintf_s is identical to _vsnprintf_s. vsnprintf_s is included for compliance to the ANSI standard. _vnsprintf is reta...
sprintf_s(data.buf, len,"%d",1234); Debug模式下执行,会触发assert,如下图: 总结:sprintf_s函数只能在Windows下使用,虽然不会出现写坏内存的情况,但是会触发assert,导致程序中断,使用起来也要慎重。 vsprintf_s的行为与sprintf_s一样。 三、_snprintf(Windows only) ...
int vsnprintf_s( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, size_t count, const char *format, va_list argptr ); int _vsnprintf_s( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, size_t count, const char *format, va_list argptr ); int _vsnprintf_s_l( char *buffer, size_t sizeOfBuffer, size_...
_vsnprintf_s是一种 C 语言函数,用于将格式化字符串写入指定大小的缓冲区。它是 _vsprintf_s 的变体...