1:杂化形式不同,NH3为SP3杂化,为三角锥形,BH3为SP2杂化,为平面三角形2:因为中心原子属于同一主族,在上述化合物中杂化形式相同,均为SP3,化学式类似,所以结构相似.3:还是因为杂化形式不同,后者是平面三角形,前者是三角锥4:根据中心原子的杂化态,和配位原子数及孤对电子数来判断集合结构. 根据找结构式中是否有对...
What is the molecular geometry of NH_3? What is the Lewis structure of CNO? What is the Lewis structure of NH3? What is the Lewis dot structure for CF4? What are degenerate orbitals? What is the Lewis structure for SiF4? What is CCl4's molecular geometry?
In this paper, the VSEPR theory is applied to interpret the e-lectronic structure of some mononuclear substance, such as Ne, F-, O2-, N3-and C4-. Based on the electronic structure of O2-, N3-and C4-, the bond angle difference of H2 O, NH3 and CH4 are further interpreted based on...
Lewis structure of NH3 Each multiple bond (i.e. double bonds, triple bonds) constitutes a single electron domain. For example, carbon dioxide or CO2 contains two electron domains around the central carbon atom – two bonding pairs as shown by each double bond. Figure 3-2. Lewis structure ...
Draw Lewis and VSEPR diagrams of the trithionate anion, S_3O_6^{2-}. Draw the Lewis structure, give the name, and predict the VSEPR geometry of: a) H2O b) NH3 c) SF6 Draw the Lewis structure of (ClPO_3)^{2-}. Use the VSEPR theory. What is the molecular geometry of SI_6...
系统标签: 构型vsepr配合元素过渡电子云 用VSEPR理论判断过渡元素配合物构型探讨 王鸿显,赵红坤 (商丘师范学院化学系,河南商丘476000) 摘要:在分子轨道理论的基础上,提出一种应用VSEPR理论判断过渡元素配合物分子构型的方法,并 对其在八面体场、四面体场中的应用进行了详细的探讨.结果表明:在配位数为4,6,8的配合物...
under VSEPR theory to explain molecular geometry (following examples may be taken to explain various rules- BeCl2, BF3, CH4 , NH4+ , PCl5 , SF6, IF7, SnCl2 , NH3, H2O, SF4, ClF3, ICl2, ICl4, BrF5, XeF6, SOF4, COF2, PCl3, PBr3, PI3, F2O, H2S). Limitations of VSEPR theory...
orbital, the other is with a 2p electron orbital) However, the structure of BeF2 is linear and the bond lengths are identical We can combine wavefunctions for the 2s and 2p electrons to produce a "hybrid" orbital for both electrons This hybrid orbital is an "sp" hybrid orbital (http:/...
We discuss the example of a simple molecular structure prediction for ammonia (NH3). Using the origami model, both molecular shape and the scientific justification can be visualized easily. This 'hands-on' approach to building m... 更多
下面是英文题目,上面是我自己翻译的,请看英文题目.1.DescribetheunderlyingprincipleofVSEPRtheoryinyourownswords.2.Explainwhytwocompoundswiththesamegenericformula,NH3 andBH3,havedifferentmoleculargeometries.3.WhyarethestructuresofH2SandH2Ososimilar?WhyarethestructuresofCH4 andSiH4 sosimilar?4.AlthoughPH3 andBH...