So a 64bit Windows, system installer, stable build for v1.54.1 would be:update.code.visualstudio.comThe list of platforms shown is as follows: win32-x64 win32-x64-user win32-x64-archive cli-win32-x64 win32-arm64 win32-arm64-user win32-arm64-archive cli-win32-arm64 win32 win...
1、操作系统:Windows7旗舰版(64bit) 2、Visual Studio Code版本:1.32.3 3、Git版本 二、软件安装 1、Visual Studio Code安装 下载地址:,下载后直接双击进行安装。 2、Git安装 下载地址:,下载后直接双击进行安装。 Git安装之后...
下载任意版本VSCode的方法 a 64bit Windows, system installer, stable build for v1.54.1 would be: list of platforms shown is as follows: win32-x64 win32-x64-user win32-x64-archive cli-win32-x64 win32-a...
可以通过mingw-w64官网(或SourceForge网站下载mingw-w64; mingw-w64在sourceforge网站的下载链接为: 在sourceforge网站找到mingw的下载页面,看到MinGW-w64-for 32 and 64 bit Windows,如下图所示; ...
VSCode Version: 1.14.2 OS Version: Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 (64-bit) I have never been able to run any version of VSCode on my work computer. I have tried several recommended methods but none succeeded. I have verified that .N...
64\include LIB=C:\SDK\v7.0A\Lib\x64;C:\VS2010\VC\lib\amd64 LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\wenxue\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER=\\VM64WIN10DAD NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=2 OneDrive=C:\Users\wenxue\OneDrive OS=Windows_NT Path=C:\VS2010\VC\bin\amd64;C:\SDK\v7.0A\Bin;C:\mingw64\bin;C:\Windows...
My VSCode just updated this morning to 1.82.0 and now it's warning me that I won't be able to use it on Windows 32 bit anymore. Except I'm not using 32 bit Windows, I'm using 64 bit Windows. VSCodeTriageBot added new release triage-needed labels Sep 7, 2023 VSCodeTriageBot ass...
Git:我的PC是64位,所以选择64-bit,如果是x86的选32-bit。下载后安装,其中有个选项选择use vs code as git’s default editor,其他全部点next就好。 一、从Git上Download code to 本地文件夹 1.在windows下操作 1、在本地新建一个文件夹用来存放从Github的库里下载的文件。
x86_64Debian8+, Ubuntu16.04+, CentOS/ RHEL 7+. ARMv7l (AArch32)RaspbianStretch/9+ (32-bit). Experimental (VS Code Insiders only): ARMv8l (AArch64) Ubuntu 18.04+ (64-bit). 如果你用了列表之外的任何版本的发行版,不好意思,连错误都不会告诉你,就是连不上。
或者运行---启动调试(F5) 7、其他 一劳永逸:因为VS需要为每一个文件夹做单独配置,所以建议把.vscode文件夹放到你常用的文件夹的顶层,这样就不用重复配置了。不用每个新cpp文件就要一套配置。这些配置在你配置好的文件夹内的所有子文件夹和文件都能使用。