VSCode中C编译环境配置(MinGW+gcc) 操作系统:win10专业版,64位 待安装的软件及工具 Visual Studio CodeMinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows 1.安装VSCode Download Visual Studio Code Free and built on open source. Integrated Git, debugging and extensions. 2.安装C/C++插件 启动vscode,安装...
Miniconda 安装包可以到https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/miniconda/下载。 进入链接后,界面拉到最下面,选择是“Windows-x86_64.exe”后缀下载安装即可。 这里笔者使用的是Miniconda3-py39_4.9.2-Windows-x86_64.exe,下载链接: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/miniconda/Minicond...
Vscodefor Windows Free 1.39.2 Free download Free code editing app The basics of coding start with Vscode (Visual Studio Code). This program is a simple code editor, paired with whatever Microsoft coders need for theiredit-build-debug cycle. With versatility and efficiency as its strong suits,...
(因为win7不像win10那么明显是加入。。) 再次打开vscode,注意配置系统环境变量path后重启一下vscode 注意vscode调试需要在打开的文件夹中进行(注意!是用VSC打开文件夹!!,单独打开一个单独的cpp是没有下面的几个配置文件出现的!!也就是说,这个cpp要在一个文件夹里!不像DevCpp和C-Free可以直接调试一个单独的cpp!
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Additionally, 32-bit OEM support has been dropped with Windows 10, version 2004. The last stable VS Code version to support Windows 32-bit is 1.83 (September 2023). You will need to update to the 64-bit release. Can I run VS Code on old macOS versions?
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删除重复行:在搜索结果面板中,按下快捷键Ctrl + A(Windows)或Cmd + A(Mac)选择所有匹配项,然后按下快捷键Ctrl + X(Windows)或Cmd + X(Mac)剪切选中的内容。 替换重复行:按下快捷键Ctrl + H(Windows)或Cmd + H(Mac)打开替换功能。在查找框中输入正则表达式^(.*)(\r?\n\1)+$,在替换框中留空,然...
//Forces LF instead of "auto" which uses CRLF on Windows."files.eol":"\n", // 强制使用 LF 而不是 "auto",在 Windows 上使用 CRLF。//Trim tailing whitespace on save."files.trimTrailingWhitespace":true,// 保存时去除尾随空格。//Insert trimmed final new line."files.insertFinalNewline":...
这里使用的操作系统为win7/10,安装环境是使用Anconda搭建Python环境,然后在Vscode编辑器中安装Python插件,最终能够在Vscode环境下使用Python。 一、Anconda软件的安装 Anaconda is a completely free Python distribution (including for commercial use and redistribution). It includes over 195 of the most popularPytho...