如果你并不需要他们其中的一些, 你可以通过 扩展设置, 按照需要禁用或者开启。 By default, Coralize sets the colors of the Title bar, Side bar, and Status bar in the vscode window. If you don't need any of them, you can disable or enable them as needed through extension settings. "coraliz...
"workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Dark - C++", "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "settingsSync.ignoredExtensions": [ "stuart.unique-window-colors" ], "editor.inlayHints.enabled": "off", "workbench.colorCustomizations": { "activityBar.activeBorder": "#FAFBFE", "activityBar.background":...
很酷的一款小插件,用浅显的背景色,直观的展示代码的层次结构。 11)Window Colors 适合多开 vscode 的同学们,看着几个 vscode 窗口经常蒙圈找不到谁是谁的,可以为每个项目制定一个专属的颜色,多开窗口再也不会迷路。 12)todo tree 找出代码里所有包含:TODO 和FIXME 的注释,并且列在左边面板中,方便你快速定位代...
方法一:下载vscode插件 1.打开vacode,点击左侧边栏第五个选项,搜索Vetur,选中第一个安装即可 安装Vetur后代码的颜色效果 方法二:配置setting.json文件 1.点击设置按钮,在搜索框中输入:Code Actions On Save,点击在setting.json中编辑 2.在setting.json文件中的代码 { "workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons", "fi...
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from Chinese Colors!'); }); // 添加到右键菜单 context.subscriptions.push(disposable); } // deactivate方法会在插件失活时调用 export function deactivate() {} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
我所能看到的就是添加状态栏项。我所拥有的: let disposable = vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor((e: vscode.TextEditor | undefined) => { if (!e) return null; var currentlyOpenTabfilePath = e.document.fileName; const color = 'g 浏览1提问于2019-01-23得票数 0 回答已采纳...
By default, Coralize sets the colors of the Title bar, Side bar, and Status bar in the vscode window. If you don't need any of them, you can disable or enable them as needed through extension settings. "coralize.applyToTitleBar" : ture/false "coralize.applyToSideBar" : ture/false ...
{"$schema":"vscode://schemas/color-theme","name":"默认的语法色彩","semanticHighlighting":true,"semanticTokenColors":{"newOperator":"#0000ff","stringLiteral":"#a31515","customLiteral":"#000000","numberLiteral":"#098658",},//下面都是语法色彩配置//一个最小化的主题只会定义 11 个根组中...
–`”window”`:显示窗口样式的边框。 例如,要设置细线边框,可以在设置文件中添加以下内容: “`json “window.titleBarStyle”: “custom”, “window.border”: “thin” “` 6. 保存设置文件,并关闭设置面板。随即可以看到VS Code编辑器窗口中的边框线已经根据所做的更改而改变了。 请注意,上述设置只会影响...