在搜索框中输入“vim.useCtrlKeys”,点击“编辑”按钮,将其设置为false,这样可以将Ctrl键的使用方式更改为Vim的模式。在搜索框中输入“vim.normalModeKeyBindings”,点击编辑按钮,在弹出的json编辑器中添加以下配置: “`{ “key”: “ctrl+[“, “command”: “extension.vim_esc”, “when”: “vim.active ...
keybinds.json // Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaultsauto[] [ // 以前配置的上下左右移动按键 { "key":"alt+j", "command":"cursorLeft", "when":"textInputFocus" }, { "key":"alt+k", "command":"cursorDown", "when":"textInputFocus" }, { "key":"alt+l"...
"keybindings":{ // 新增属性 "command": "helloworld.helloWorld", "key": "ctrl+l" } } } 后记 如果看过我之前的文章《手指疼,写点代码缓解一下》的读者应当会记得,我已经从Emacs Keymap“叛逃”到了Vim Keymap了。所以,我并没有真正用上上述的VS Code扩展。相反,目前高频使用的是Vim Keymap内置的z-....
VSCode Vim 是一种在 Visual Studio Code(VSCode)编辑器中使用 Vim 编辑器功能的插件。它通过将 Vim 的键盘映射和命令模式引入到 VSCode 中,使得用户可以在使用 VSCode 的同时,享受到 Vim 的强大编辑功能。 Vim 是一款功能强大的文本编辑器,它支持快速导航、搜索替换、宏录制和批处理等高效编辑操作。VSCode 是一款...
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [ { // toggle easy motion "before": ["s"], "after": ["leader", "leader", "s"] }, { // get info "before": ["leader", "i"], "commands": ["editor.action.showHover"] }, { // old vim `gi` command "before": ["leader", "g", ...
"vim.statusBarColorControl": true, "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [ // normal 模式按键绑定 { // 使用 VSCode 内置的撤销 "before": [ "u", ], "commands": [ "undo" ] }, { // 绑定 VSCode 的重做 "before": [ "U" ], "commands": [ "redo" ] }, { // gs 跳转到符号 "before":...
vim (or vscodevim)Vim mode for Visual Studio Code, https://github.com/VSCodeVim/Vim (自定义的配置如下:配置完了重启才会生效 ) "vim.leader":"","vim.cmdLineInitialColon":true,"vim.history":150,"vim.hlsearch":true,"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [ ...
vim.handleKeys Delegate configured keys to be handled by VS Code instead of by the VSCodeVim extension. Any key in keybindings section of the package.json that has a vim.use<C-...> in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting "<C-...>": false. Example: to ...
"vim.foldfix": true, "vim.hlsearch": true, "vim.leader": "<space>", "vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [ { "before": ["leader", "w"], "commands": [":w!"] }, { "before": ["leader", "q"], "commands": [":q"] ...