[FAQ] vscode 装了 vim 之后,ctrl+p 不起作用? # 进入设置(左下角setting) --> vim.handleKeys --> 在 settings.json中编辑, 把需要禁用Vim的热键以json格式写入vim.handleKeys中即可,如: "vim.handleKeys": {"<C-a>":false,"<C-b>":false,"<C-c>":false,"<C-x>":false,"<C-f>":false...
settings.json中编辑, 把需要禁用Vim的热键以json格式写入vim.handleKeys中即可,如: "vim.handleKeys": { "<C-a>": false, "<C-c>": false, "<C-x>": false, "<C-f>": false, "<C-h>": false, "<C-k>": false, "<C-p>": false, "<C-s>": false, "<C-z>": false, "<C-...
I'm not too up on the use of ctrl-p in vim, what is your use case for it? IMO the fact that this key shadows vscode's default ctrl-p behavior for quickopen file, which is pretty integral to the vscode user experience, necessitates some care if we are making this behavior the ...
'CTRL + P' is an essential code navigation tool in native vscode. I really value being able to seemlessly navigate a codebase through the keyboard, as I'm sure many of us vim users can relate to. Suddenly I find myself unable to use this amazing code navigation tool built in to vsco...
vscode 怎么在 ctrl+p ( 转到文件 ) / ctrl+shift+o ( 转到编辑器中的符号 ) 时通过自定义按键上下移动 | 通过 jk 上下移动 | vscodevim | vim | 配置 Windows 解决方法: 使用PowerToy (microsoft/PowerToys: Windows system utilities to maximize productivity (github.com)) 来进行按键映射。
Vim 插件/快捷键的使用(重要): settings.json 配置 通过F1 或ctrl/command+shift+p 快捷键打开 VSC 的命令面板(Command Palette),然后输入并执行 Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) 即可打开名为 setting.json 的设置文件。笔者倾向于将尽可能多的设置放在 settings.json 中,以便于用 Github 账号进行同步。
(like VSCodeVim or Overtype). On a Mac, the h, j, k and l movement keys may not repeat when held, to fix this open Terminal and execute the following command: defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false. To fix the remapped escape key not working in Linux...
类似于vim,notebook分为command mode和edit mode First, we need to know that they are2 modesin theJupyter Notebook App:command modeandedit mode. I’ll start with the shortcuts shared between the two modes. vscode+notebook🎈 Working with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code ...
vim 特定语言 C/CPP PHP Markdown python SETUP mac path里注册code命令,在Command Palette(ctrl+shift+p)里输入shell command就能看见了,操作的是.bash_profile touch bar support GET START 基本使用 高级搜索 全局搜索的时候筛选文件,只支持少部分正则语法 ...
"command": "extension.vim_home", "when": "editorTextFocus && vim.active && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode != 'Insert'" }, { "key": "ctrl+home", "command": "extension.vim_ctrl+home", "when": "editorTextFocus && vim.active && !inDebugRepl && vim.mode != 'Insert'" },...