1.查看vscode里插件是否安装vetur,如果没有插件库里搜索vetur,点击install按钮,显示uninstall就说明安装好了; 2.如果还是识别不了less代码,在file-->Preferences-->Settings 找到vetur拉倒最下面点击Editinsettings.json添加一行代码: " VsCode 中 vue代码格式化 (整理代码) VsCode中 vue代码格式化...整理代码 前提 : ...
学会了一些框架,比如vue.js,并且能够上手一些完整的小项目 14.Vetur 在.vue文件中代码高亮。 但是装了,有时候会提示vetur can’t find tspackage.json 请参考这篇文章: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40079749/article/details/111540700 15.Import Cost 显示引入包文件的大小 16.Trailing Spaces 显示多余的空格。在...
Get this issue occasionally with wsl2. As mentioned in vscode document, the issue can be solved by --no-proxy-server option to disable proxy or simply specify the http_proxy and https_proxy using wsl server ip, which can be find from /etc/resolv.conf. The file is generated by wsl 👍...
{"name":"Vetur","languages":["vue"],"pattern":"{**/*.vue}"},"ms-vscode.makefile-tools":{"name":"Makefile Tools","languages":["makefile"],"pattern":"{/makefile,/Makefile}"},"ms-vscode.cmake-tools":{"name":"CMake Tools","pattern":"{/CMakeLists.txt}"},"ms-azure-dev...
package.json文件显示模块当前版本和最新版本 vetur 目前比较好的Vue语法高亮 View Node Package 快速打开选中模块的主页和代码仓库 VS Live Share 实时多人协助 VSCode Great Icons 文件图标拓展 vscode-database 操作数据库,支持mysql和postgres vscode-icons 文件图标,方便定位文件 vscode-random 随机字符串生成器 vscod...
Version Lenspackage.json文件显示模块当前版本和最新版本 vetur目前比较好的Vue语法高亮 View Node Package快速打开选中模块的主页和代码仓库 vscode-icons文件图标,方便定位文件 VSCode Great Icons文件图标拓展 VueHelperVue2代码段(包括Vue2 api、vue-router2、vuex2) ...
Preferences:Open Default Settings(JSON) 可以在你的默认配置中看到这些,然后自己配置的时候,不懂的地方,可以参考这里1 { 2 // 控制在差异编辑器中是否把前导空格或尾随空格的改动显示为差异。3 "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": true, 4 5 //...
Unlike some other editors, VS Code supports IntelliSense, linting, outline out-of-the-box and doesn’t require any separate extension to run linter packages. Some linters are already integrated in VS Code, you can find the full list in the official documentation, Languages section....
Unlike some other editors, VS Code supports IntelliSense, linting, outline out-of-the-box and doesn't require any separate extension to run linter packages. Some linters are already integrated in VS Code, you can find the full list in the official documentation, Languages section....
关于VScode每次保存/修改文件后都会自动生成一个打包文件dist的问题 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45249263/article/details/123232030 scss注释不了,卸载 VsCode 中的Vetur报错 大概意思是找不到Vetur can't find tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json in 打钩即可 卸载Rainbow Brackets即可...