Steps to Reproduce: Download Visual Studio Code Mac Version on the official side. Received a message 'unable to write program user. Please make sure the directory xxx/Code is writeable' chmod -777 xxx/Code and confirmed that it has read/write access (terminal & directory info). Received the...
When I open vscode, I get an error like " unable to write program user data... A system error occurred (EPERM: operation not permitted,mkdir 'c:\Users\UserName.vscode') Please make sure the following directories are writeable: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Code C:\Users\...
However, in spite of using my own writable directory (my_dir), VS Code opens a error dialog saying : "Unable to write program User data. Please make sure following directories are writeable :" $my_path/my_dir $my_home_dir/.vscode/extensions ...
"Warning: The --status argument can only be used if {0} is already running. Please run it again after {0} has started.", "Unable to write program user data.", "{0}\n\nPlease make sure the following directories are writeable:\n\n{1}", "&&Close" ], "vs/code/electron-sandbox/p...
一打开就闪退...unable to write program user data 2020-01-27 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 在Ubuntu Linux 上安装 Deb 文件的 3 种方法 | Linux 中国 Linux...发表于Linux... npm和vscode,你们居然是这样的 Ted Zyzsdy 安装Ubuntu16.04,17.10,18.04遇到的一些问题总结 Time Machine Ubuntu MATE 的负责人开发...
在Python中导入图像时出现VSCode引发错误可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 缺少相关的库或模块:在Python中处理图像通常需要使用到PIL(Python Imaging Library)或OpenCV等图像处理库。如果没有安装这些库,就会导致导入图像时出现错误。可以通过使用pip命令安装相应的库来解决该问题。 图像文件路径错误:如果导入的图像...
1> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\string.h(317) : see declaration of 'wcsncpy' 1>..\..\src\hostapi\wasapi\pa_win_wasapi.c(1899): warning C4996: '_snprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _snprintf_s instead. To disable ...
Unable to create 'launch.json' file inside the '.vscode' folder (Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://ssh-remote+ubuntu_srs/opt/srs.oschina/trunk/.vscode/launch.json' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/opt/srs.oschina/trunk/.vscode')). ...
如果一段时间不操作,再次进入 Terminal 时会有一段时间没有响应,然后就出现错误提示: Write failed:...
elapsed time 2201 1: (3706) Send Event AD7EngineCreateEvent 1: (3708) Send Event AD7ProgramCre...