VSCode连接Windows端Open ssh服务器失败的解决方法 最近设备有些多,一一配置环境会麻烦无比,所以果断尝试了一下,局域网内用VSCode的Remote-ssh插件在Windows Open ssh服务器上远程编译。 第一台设备轻松愉快跑通,但第二台却莫名报错:no sshd parent proc 开个终端找找问题——ping一下是通的,终端内ssh连接也顺利...
如果ssh-copy-id无法使用,建议先复制下面脚本,然后再ssh-copy-id root@ip function ssh-copy-id([string]$userAtMachine, $args){ $publicKey = "$ENV:USERPROFILE" + "/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" if (!(Test-Path "$publicKey")){ Write-Error "ERROR: failed to open ID file '$publicKey': No such ...
一、安装 OpenSSH OpenSSH 可以让你在终端使用 ssh 命令,Windows10 一般自带。 可以通过以下方式检查是否安装 OpenSSH: Win + X,选择 Windows PoweShell(管理员),输入以下指令:Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*' 如果电脑未安装OpenSSH,则 State 会显示 NotPresent 如果未安装,则输入指...
"Unable to open 'Extension: xxx': An unknown error occurred." VSCode插件页面闪退问题 参考GitHub上VSCode的issue:95427的解决方案,我清除了DNS缓存,该闪退问题就解决了。 Windows 清除DNS缓存 ipconfig /dnsflush 在issue:95427中GitHub@Zorono提供的完整解决步骤如下 I Changed my Domain Name Servers from m...
在3.1节,使用SSH配置好了容器上的SSH服务。下面在VSCode客户端上, 下载一个插件。Remote-SSH 然后等待片刻后,在VSCode左侧会出现一个新的关于ssh remote的功能栏。点击该功能栏—右键单击SSH—open ssh config File: 在弹出的复选框中选择——C:\Users\<username>\.ssh\config: 在Host和HostName可以直接填入服务...
I have tried both values of the remote.SSH.useLocalServer setting Connect Locally It connects successfully -> No response Expected Behavior I expect the vscode to successfully remote to the server, as it always does. Steps To Reproduce added my new ssh (to a linux server) to the configuratio...
devpod starts container on remote host and opens VSCode but then is never able to SSH into the container. What did you expect to happen instead? VSCode to open and connect to the container. This works without issue for me in Linux. In Windows it times out no matter how long I set the...
1. Windows 下报错:Permissions for ‘xxx/.ssh/id_rsa’ are too open. 问题:当前用户 .ssh 目录下私钥权限太开放了;解决:找到当前用户目录下 .ssh/id_rsa 文件,鼠标右键->属性->安全,然后编缉「组或用户名」,将除当前用户、SYSTEM 和管理员...
[11:41:38.958] Unhandled rejection: Error: Unable to write to User Settings because remote.SSH.remotePlatform is not a registered configuration. at D.reject (file:///D:/Users/cutep/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:5545:245) ...
Git 版本库概念 : Git 版本库 Repository 又称为 Git 仓库 , 在系统中的表现就是一个 " 文件目录 ...