1、安装xcode后,终端输入命令 git --version (成功) 2、vscode打开项目,发现左下角无分支名,gitlens插件提示:Unable to initialize Git; AggregateError(2) Error: Unable to find git Error: Unable to find git 3、百度上说需要在设置里增加一条命令git.path,添加git的安装路径 终端输入命令 where git 会出...
GitLens was unable to find Git. Please make sure Git is installed. Also ensure that Git is either in the PATH, or that 'gitlens.advanced.git' is pointed to its installed location 可能原因是setting中没有添加git的地址,找到如下截图所示的setting image.png 输入git.path快速查找 image.png 将下面...
https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/7d0dd512-b32c-46ea-82c8-f629df27a94b/error-c2054-expected-to-follow-inline?forum=vclanguage https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24736304/unable-to-use-inline-in-declaration-get-error-c2054 这上面的两个地方都有人碰到了差不多的问题。
PLEASE HELP!! GitLens was unable to find Git. Please make sure Git is installed. Also ensure that Git is either in the PATH, or that 'git.path' is pointed to its installed location. I think there is a path issue but i didn't change anyth...
建议打开Power shell,以及务必打开管理员模式,否则会导致报错,Error: Unable to find git in your ...
Type: Bug All the steps that requires connecting to github or github repositories will result in the error: "fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/Heet-Sheth/Ruby.git/': Failed to connect to port 8080 after 2629 ms: C...
A:因为Win下的Clang没有libc++。你也可以选择装VS用Windows SDK,就不需要MinGW了,这个更官方一些,但体积较大。Q:MSVC integration install failed / unable to find a Visual Studio installation... A:就是上一条的原因,Clang默认用的是MSVC的后端。但本部分用的是MinGW,所以就不用管这个提示。要不就装Window...
bug fixed - fixed Maven import failure caused by m2e-apt unable to parse maven-compiler-plugin configuration. See #1131. bug fixed - add Java 13 support for Gradle projects. See JLS#1196. bug fixed - fixed errors reported from unrelated gradle projects outside the workspace. See JLS#1261....
如果已安装Git for Windows,请确保命令提示符或PowerShell中运行 git 命令,不然在后面运行flutter doctor时将出现Unable to find git in your PATH错误, 此时需要手动添加C:\Program Files\Git\bin至Path系统环境变量中 第一步:安装flutter step 1 配置镜像环境变量---让flutter命令执行更快,比如pub下载依赖 ...
Unable to verify the first certificate Hi, I have an error during the connection of the extension on our self hosted GitLab. I created the token successfully. I don't have proxy. Please, could you help me to find the problem ? [info]: Extracted urls: [][info]: Extracted urls: [][...