1、安装xcode后,终端输入命令 git --version (成功) 2、vscode打开项目,发现左下角无分支名,gitlens插件提示:Unable to initialize Git; AggregateError(2) Error: Unable to find git Error: Unable to find git 3、百度上说需要在设置里增加一条命令git.path,添加git的安装路径 终端输入命令 where git 会出...
GitLens was unable to find Git. Please make sure Git is installed. Also ensure that Git is either in the PATH, or that 'gitlens.advanced.git' is pointed to its installed location 可能原因是setting中没有添加git的地址,找到如下截图所示的setting image.png 输入git.path快速查找 image.png 将下面...
PLEASE HELP!! GitLens was unable to find Git. Please make sure Git is installed. Also ensure that Git is either in the PATH, or that 'git.path' is pointed to its installed location. I think there is a path issue but i didn't change anyth...
相似问题请大家帮忙看看,git push -u origin master 执行出现了问题 1944 1 10 在git commit -m 'one'的时候报了一个错 1419 0 9 今天新建了一个分支,git pull时发现报错 1847 0 20 运行eject命令会报错 1915 0 6 git checkout stable-2.5 报错 1074 1 5 登录后可查看更多问答,登录/注...
Fixes #16 - incorrect 'Unable to find Git' message [1.0.0]AddedAdds support for git history (log)! Adds support for blame annotations and git commands on file revisions Adds ability to show multiple blame annotation at the same time (one per vscode editor) Adds new gitlens.showFileHistory...
Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the required header files解决 2019-12-23 14:23 −错误: $ make menuconfig *** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the *** required header files. *** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries... 鲸...
【转】unable to find module for DevLoadingView 2019-12-26 11:44 −原文网址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/c5edd26ac664 先上图: 模拟器运行过程中突然出现上面这个问题,点击下面的Dismiss或者Reload可以直接进入首页,并不影响使用。网上对这个问题查到的资料几乎没有。后来多次启动发现... ...
[VS Code] "Unable to get local issuer certificate" when GitLab On Prem is behind a Proxy Slack thread:https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/C053WFAK56U/p1704485892754959 Key points: "Ignore Certificate Errors" inside the GitLab VSCode extension settings did not fix the error ...
在我的角CLIv7.3.6项目中,我有一个protractor.conf.js文件。我想在我的VSCode中的这个文件中启用VSCode。当@ts-check被删除时,我想在onPrepare()回调中调用browser.getCapabilities(),但是VSCode说Unable to find name 'browser'.浏览器应该注册到Global中
Unable to verify the first certificate Hi, I have an error during the connection of the extension on our self hosted GitLab. I created the token successfully. I don't have proxy. Please, could you help me to find the problem ?