vscode调试justMyCode无效问题 今天使用vscode调试Python时遇到了一个奇怪的问题,就是当我想使用step in查看库代码时,右下角弹出了提示,然后直接跳过库代码到了我的代码部分。 提示意思是要在配置文件launch.json中将justMyCode设置为fasle,否则会使用默认值true就会跳过外部代码,也就是库代码。 但是我的配置文件中一直...
"justMyCode": true, 将true改为false就好。
{ "args": [ "runserver", "localhost:8001" ], "console": "internalConsole", "django": true, "justMyCode": false, "name": "Django", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/manage.py", "request": "launch", "type": "python" } Actual behaviour ...
调试 Just My Code VS Code for Java现在支持Just My Code,该功能会自动跳过对系统,框架和其他非用户代码的调用。您可以通过“ java.debug.settings.stepping.skipClasses”和“ java.debug.settings.exceptionBreakpoint.skipClasses”来配置Just My Code。预定义的值是: $ JDK:来自默认系统类路径的类,例如rt.jar...
Type: Bug Create main.py that imports any library and use it Create a launch.json to launch your main.py and add the justMyCode: false Put a breaking point on the line where you use the external library Run the main.py through your launc...
Let’s start off with 2 themes. I like to keep a light and dark theme around even though I use light themes most of the time. I usually code in a well light room and I find that light themes make text easier to read, but I use a dark theme when I turn off my lights. ...
✅ I can't open Vscode:I have problem to use VScode when I click app in turn on just 1sec and shutdown how want to know problem and fix it. this sceen is pop up in just 1 sec...
GitLens does some oddball things like “inline blame” and “code lens” (which is another view into “blame”? I don’t get it). I want to turn this noisy stuff off. Hint: runGitLens: Toggle Code LensandGitLens: Toggle Line Blame Annotationsfrom the Command Palette. ...
GitLens does some oddball things like “inline blame” and “code lens” (which is another view into “blame”? I don’t get it). I want to turn this noisy stuff off. Hint: runGitLens: Toggle Code LensandGitLens: Toggle Line Blame Annotationsfrom the Command Palette. ...
"off" turn off jest autoRun {"watch": false} this is the manual mode "legacy" starting a full test-run followed by jest watch {"watch": true, "onStartup": ["all-tests"]} he default mode prior to v4.7 "on-save" run jest upon source or test file changes {"watch": false, "on...