Run unit tests as a pre-commit hook. (#1703) Update debug capabilities to add support for the setting supportTerminateDebuggee due to an upstream update from PTVSD. (#1719) Build and upload development build of the extension to the Azure blob store even if CI tests fail on the master bran...
Seamlessly explore Git repositories with the visually-rich Commit Graph. Gain valuable insights via GitLens Inspect, and much more. Blame, CodeLens, and Hovers— Gain a deeper understanding of how code changed and by whom through in-editor code annotations and rich hovers. File Annotations— ...
\\n \\\"git.enableSmartCommit\\\": true,\\n \\\"figma.autocompleteProperties\\\": false,\\n \\\"jest.autoRun\\\": {},\\n \\\"json.format.enable\\\": false,\\n \\\"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux\\\": \\\"zsh\\\",\\n \\\"window.zoomLevel\\\": -1,\\n...
"[dockerfile]": { "editor.quickSuggestions": { "strings": true } }, // Configure settings to be overridden for [git-commit] language. "[git-commit]": { "editor.rulers": [72], "workbench.editor.restoreViewState": false }, // Configure settings to be overridden for [git-rebase] lang...
You mustchoose whether or not to commit.vscode/to VCS. I’veneverhad success committinganysliver of.idea/to VCS, but maybe the story is different here. Don’t look at me; find some other guinea pig. Trivia:VSCode recognizes the filetype oftasks.jsonas “JSON with Comments”, which, AFAI...
You must choose whether or not to commit **.vscode/** to VCS. I’ve never had success committing any sliver of .idea/ to VCS, but maybe the story is different here. Don’t look at me; find some other guinea pig. Trivia: VSCode recognizes the filetype of tasks.json as “JSON with...
完全将VSCode设置从一台Mac转移到另一台 VSCode很棒,但它需要稍微小心地设置。 有许多秘密提示可以遵循,例如 How to turn off "matching" highlighting in VS Code?如果我在Mac A上一切都“恰到好处”,我如何才能完美地将所有细节转移到Mac B、C和D上? 那么,如何将自己的VSCode设置从Mac机转移到Windows机上...
876 How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code? 130 How to shift a block of code left/right by one space in VSCode? 680 Should I commit the .vscode folder to source control? 18 How to select whole word under the cursor in Visual Studio Code? 694 How to use Visu...
//Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on commit characters. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character."editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter":true,//Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on...
The fix came from a V8 upgrade: this commit enabled dynamic tiering for WebAssembly by default for all projects that use V8's WebAssembly implementation. Previously all functions in the WebAssembly module were optimized in a single batch job but with dynamic tiering, V8 now optimizes individual ...