At the first debug, in C/C++ it says "Unable to establish connection to GDB"; In Python it says "Time out waiting for launcher to connect". But the second time I debug the program, it works well. The problem disappears, but it will occur every few hours or after reboot. I tried m...
m#ipykernel_launcher (Python Path: /usr/local/bin/python3, Unknown, 3.11.6) for '~/xxx.ipynb' (disableUI=true) 16:27:24.789 [info] Registering dummy command feature 16:27:28.591 [warn] Failed to get activated env vars for /usr/local/bin/python3 in 10053ms 16:27:28.596 [info] ...
Fix visualstudio_py_testLauncher to stop breaking out of test discovery too soon. (#2241) Notify the user when the language server does not support their platform. (#2245) Fix issue with survey not opening in a browser for Windows users. (#2252) Correct banner survey question text to refe...
#3987Prevent App. Explorer from hanging on extension loading if logged out from a cluster #3971Fix bug where re-logging in does not ask for username and password under certain conditions #3925,#4064Fixed 'stdout maxBuffer length exceeded' error, a proposal message is added to change the maximu...
timeout: The timeout in seconds for the adapter to connect to Firefox after launching it. firefoxExecutable: The absolute path to the Firefox executable or the name of a Firefox edition (stable,developerornightly) to look for in its default installation path. If not specified, this extension ...
\extensions\ms-python.python-2018.8.0\pythonFiles\experimental\ptvsd\ptvsd\", line 174, in connect sock.connect(addr) TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 Expected behavior...
syscall:'connect', address:'', port: 9004 } error 18:18:38.515: Disposing kernel process due to an error Jp [Error]: Unable to start Kernel'mlaids (Python 3.10.5)'due to connection timeout. View Jupyter [log](command:jupyter.viewOutput)forfurther details. ...
m#ipykernel_launcher' (Python Path: /home/ycg/anaconda3/envs/job, EnvType: Conda, EnvName: 'job', Version: 3.8.2) for '/home/ycg/code/connect.ipynb' (disableUI=true) info 15:39:54.923: Creating raw notebook for resource '/home/ycg/code/connect.ipynb' info 15:39:54.923: ...
port: Firefox uses port 6000 for the debugger protocol by default. If you want to use a different port, you can set it with this property. You can also override this property in your settings (see below). timeout: The timeout in seconds for the adapter to connect to Firefox after laun...
syscall: 'connect', address: '<username>27.0.0.<username>', port: 90<username>0 } <username>6:06:02.445 [error] Disposing kernel process due to an error Error: Unable to start Kernel 'base (Python 3.<username><username>.3)' due to a timeout waiting for the ports to get used. ...