// - workbench.action.terminal.clear 1598 // - workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection 1599 // - workbench.action.terminal.copySelection 1600 // - workbench.action.terminal.deleteToLineStart 1601 // - workbench.action.terminal.deleteWordLeft ...
集成终端 Integrated terminal 按Press 功能Function Ctrl+` 显示集成终端 Show integrated terminal Ctrl+Shift+` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl+Shift+C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴到活动端子 Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ / ↓ 向上/向下滚动 Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDown ...
In the Terminal view in VSCode there are often important errors and messages from the command line tools. Basically all standard output is shown in the Terminal view. There are times I need to copy that text content and use it somewhere else (error messages or links). Screenshot below: But...
terminal Ctrl+Shift+` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl+Shift+C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴到活动端子 Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ /↓ 向上/向下滚动 Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向上/向下滚动页面 Scroll page up/down Ctrl+Home / End 滚动到顶部/底部Scroll to ...
...wt 点击Windows terminal中的下拉箭头选择设置,打开配置Windows Terminal的Json文件。...将复制的主题代码粘贴到在list中,分别配置PowerShell的主题和cmd的主题,添加刚才获得代码即可应用对应的主题。name为标识,用于设置终端应用哪个主题。...\u2502", // 选择时复制到剪贴板 "copyOnSelect": true, //...
// - workbench.action.terminal.clear // - workbench.action.terminal.clearSelection // - workbench.action.terminal.copySelection // - workbench.action.terminal.deleteToLineStart // - workbench.action.terminal.deleteWordLeft // - workbench.action.terminal.deleteWordRight // - workbench.actio...
集成终端 Integrated terminal 按Press功能Function Ctrl+` 显示集成终端 Show integrated terminal Ctrl+Shift+` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl+Shift+C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl+Shift+V 粘贴到活动端子 Paste into active terminal Ctrl+↑ / ↓ 向上/向下滚动 Scroll up/down Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向...
// 集成终端启用视觉化铃声 "terminal.integrated.gpuAcceleration": "on", // 集成终端使用GPU加速 "terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior": "copyPaste", // 集成终端右击时选择光标下方的字词,并打开上下文菜单 // "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "PowerShell", "terminal.integrated.env.windows...
On a Mac, theh,j,kandlmovement keys may not repeat when held, to fix this open Terminal and execute the following command:defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false. To fix the remapped escape key not working in Linux, set"keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode". ...