定义服务接口:首先需要定义服务接口,该接口定义了服务的 API,即服务能够提供哪些功能。接口通常放在vs/platform文件夹下的一个子文件夹中,比如vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry。 定义与服务器同名的Identifier,比如export const IProductService = createDecorator<IProductService>('productService');。 注册服务:...
你可通过使用喜欢的 shell 将 DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT 环境变量 设置为 "1" 或 "true" 来选择退出遥测。 阅读有关 .NET CLI 工具遥测的更多信息: https:///dotnet-cli-telemetry --- 已安装 ASP.NET Core HTTPS 开发证书。 若要信任该证书,请运行 "dotnet dev-certs https --trust" (仅限 Windows...
vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/electron-browser/telemetryOptOut.contribution 0 vs/workbench/services/backup/common/backupFileService 0 vs/workbench/services/backup/node/backupFileService 0 vs/workbench/services/bulkEdit/browser/bulkEditService 0 vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configurati...
\n"//missing semicolon} Finally, I've up a default build task, which utilizes$msCompileproblem matcher: Note:thatcmake.buildTaskis globally set totrue {"version":"2.0.0","tasks": [ {"type":"cmake","label":"CMake: build","command":"build","targets": ["app"],"group": {"kind...
The VS Code product notifies all users that they can opt out of telemetry collection. The team actively reviews and classifies all telemetry sent (documented inour OSS codebase). There are valid data retention policies in place for any data collected, for example crash dumps. ...
Telemetry Contributing Development Upgrading VS Code License Enterprise Commercialization This repo forked from https://github.com/cdr/code-server code-server · code-server is VS Code running on a remote server, accessible through the browser. Try it out: docker run -it -p
Dispose telemetryReporter in the end 7年前 .editorconfig Add .editorconfig 9年前 .gitignore Prepping for 0.6.63 7年前 .prettierrc.json Add npm script for formatting using prettier 5年前 .travis.yml Support test matrix for last 3 versions only ...
{"out":true,// set this to false to include"out"folder in search results"dist":true,"**/node_modules":true,"coverage":true,"languageServer*/**":true,".vscode-test":true,".vscode test":true},"[python]":{"editor.detectIndentation":false,"editor.insertSpaces":true,"editor.tabSize":4...
Arm 版 Windows 应用呢。 微软日前推出了一个适用于 Visual Studio 的扩展程序