// - workbench.action.showCommands 1589 // - workbench.action.tasks.build 1590 // - workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask 1591 // - workbench.action.tasks.restartTask 1592 // - workbench.action.tasks.runTask 1593 // - workbench.action.tasks.showLog ...
Edit:In tasks.json, using"command": "colima start; sleep 0"keeps the colima instance running indefinitely.colima start; echo helloalso works. I know you're supposed to use args, but I'm not sure how to do that with multiple commands. However, when I run a make command ("command": "...
D:\_TEMP\css_memory_exhaustion>css -vscode hello.cs echosearchdir:%UserProfile%\.dotnet\tools\.store\cs-script.cli\4.8.9\cs-script.cli\4.8.9\tools\net8.0\any\libechosearchdir: C:\ProgramData\cs-script\commandsechosearchdir: C:\ProgramData\cs-script\incechoOpening script: D:\_TEMP\css_mem...
Finally, I've up a default build task, which utilizes $msCompile problem matcher: Note: that cmake.buildTask is globally set to true { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "type": "cmake", "label": "CMake: build", "command": "build", "targets": [ "app" ], "group": { ...
New safety door parking motion as a compile-option. Grbl will retract, disable the spindle/coolant, and park near Z max. When resumed, it will perform these task in reverse order and continue the program. Highly configurable, even to add more than one parking motion. See config.h for deta...
Some features require additional commands to set up, eg.dashboard kind Pros: Even more lightweight than Minikube No username/password system, so you don't need to login to use the cluster. The binary sets up the credentials in your~/.kube/config. ...
// - workbench.action.showCommands // - workbench.action.tasks.build // - workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask // - workbench.action.tasks.restartTask // - workbench.action.tasks.runTask // - workbench.action.tasks.showLog // - workbench.action.tasks.showTasks // - workbench.action...
在package.json文件里添加contributes.commands,这样在按下Shift+Cmd+P(macOS) 或Shift+Ctrl+P(Windows / Linux)后,就可以选择你的插件了。 //package.json{"name":"loan-calculator","displayName":"Loan Calculator 贷款计算器","description":"help to calculate loan cashflow","version":"0.0.1","publish...