vscode-global task 部分案例 -- scss typescript vsocde - examples problem matcher, multiline problem matacher vscode - problem matcher background/watching tasks Some tools support running in the background while watching the file system for changes and then triggering an action when a file changes...
Activatingtask providers npm 错误: problemMatcher 引用无效: $esbuild-watch 问题解决 面对不熟悉的领域,问题出现直接搜索引擎就行了,但是这次直接给我看懵逼了。 直接搜索上面报错,找到了微软的官方文章。https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=connor4312.esbuild-problem-matchers 其实没注意这里就是...
interface TaskConfiguration extends BaseTaskConfiguration {/*** The configuration's version number*/version: '2.0.0';/*** Windows specific task configuration*/windows?: BaseTaskConfiguration;/*** macOS specific task configuration*/osx?: BaseTaskConfiguration;/*** Linux specific task configuration*/l...
: BaseTaskConfiguration;}interface BaseTaskConfiguration {/*** The type of a custom task. Tasks of type "shell" are executed* inside a shell (e.g. bash, cmd, powershell, ...)*/type: 'shell' | 'process';/*** The command to be executed. Can be an external program or a shell* ...
problemMatchers:配置问题定位器的模式 problemPatterns:配置可以在问题定位器(见上)中可以使用的模式名称 taskDefinitions:配置和定义一个 object 结构,定义系统中唯一的配置任务 colors:配置可用于编辑器装饰器和状态栏的颜色 typescriptServerPlugins:配置 vscode 的 js 和 ts 支持的 Typescript 服务器插件 ...
problem matcher vscode task的一个重要作用就是语法检测,在编辑代码时,这些问题检测程序一直在执行,vscode需要读取这些语法检测程序的输出并可视化的展示给用户。 problem matcher相关的内容较多,设计也很复杂,详见参考资料。 给任务绑定快捷键 { "key": "ctrl+h", ...
把命令本身输出一次// Controls whether the terminal running the task is revealed or not. Default is"always".// always: Always reveals the terminal when this task is executed.// silent: Only reveals the terminal if the task exits with an error or the problem matcher finds an error.(会显示...
{ "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "Run Python Script in your desired Folder", "type": "shell", "command": "python", <or whichever way you reference your python executable> "args": [ "your_file.py" <whichever file you want to run with this task+problem matcher atta...
problemMatchers:问题匹配器 problemPatterns:问题模式,可用于问题匹配器的命名问题模式 taskDefinitions:任务定义 colors:颜色 typescriptServerPlugins:TypeScript服务器插件 resourceLabelFormatters:资源标签格式化 =>有关这一块的内容和细节较多,需要花时间去一一验证,后面笔者会尽量使用并进行详解。更多关于contributes的内容...
Is there a setting to let the problem matcher "find" that file, even if it's in a (unknown) subfolder? (Assumed all filenames are distinct) orecho FILEBEGIN${file}FILEEND And it will be easy to get file by regex. If you are using oracle and powershell you can try my task:...