I cannot find a way to define multiple tasks which executes different commands in the.vscode/tasks.jsonfile of my project directory. From what I understood, I can only declare a single TaskConfiguration within this file. Am I wrong? To make my problem more understandable, let's say I would...
Edit:In tasks.json, using"command": "colima start; sleep 0"keeps the colima instance running indefinitely.colima start; echo helloalso works. I know you're supposed to use args, but I'm not sure how to do that with multiple commands. However, when I run a make command ("command": "...
* * The delayer offers this behavior via the trigger() method, into which both the task * to be executed and the waiting period (delay) must be passed in as arguments. Following * the example: * * const delayer = new Delayer(WAITING_PERIOD); * const letters = []; * * function let...
可以看到,C/C++:gcc build and debug active file的配置里,设置了目标程序、当前目录、调试程序(gdb)、启动设置命令(setupCommands)、前置任务(C/C++: gcc build active file)等信息。 图7 Vscode的launch.json配置 在前置的Task,C/C++:gcc build active file的配置存在于tasks.json里,可以看到,这里同样有命令...
配置CMake CMake: Configure 使用vscode打开我们的工程目录,快捷键ctrl+shift+p,按下回车后,工程目录...
// - workbench.action.showCommands 1589 // - workbench.action.tasks.build 1590 // - workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask 1591 // - workbench.action.tasks.restartTask 1592 // - workbench.action.tasks.runTask 1593 // - workbench.action.tasks.showLog ...
setupCommands为启动调试前为GDB调试器设置相应的命令 preLaunchTask选项为运行调试前执行的任务 其他json c c_cpp_propertis.json / settings.json /compile_commands.json可通过插件自动生成,并做相应的配置调节,不再赘述。 常见报错 编译提示找不到gcc任务 ...
从顶层菜单栏中选择Terminal,运行命令“Run Task”,然后选择要运行的任务。通过运行命令Terminate Task终止正在运行的任务。 Define keyboard shortcuts for tasks 可以为任何任务定义键盘快捷键。从Command Palette(Ctrl+Shift+P)中,选择Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts File,将所需的快捷方式绑定到workbench.action...
Refs: #871 anyOS @bhavyaus anyOS @jrieken Complexity: 3 Create Issue Summary We added a new command (with command ID runCommands) that allows running multiple commands, passed to runCommands as argument. It allows creating a single keybi...
// - workbench.action.showCommands // - workbench.action.tasks.build // - workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask // - workbench.action.tasks.restartTask // - workbench.action.tasks.runTask // - workbench.action.tasks.showLog // - workbench.action.tasks.showTasks // - workbench.action...