See below content in the user settings.json: { "go.formatTool": "goformat" } Method 2: Set Go's "editor.formatOnSave" to false: Install extention "Tab to Space", then set a shortcut key binding for the action: You can use the shortcut to replace tab with spaces. Then make the ...
VS Code isn't smart enough to realize that I want to indent the next line with spaces instead of a tab, because it already got into its head that I want to use tabs everywhere. It's not smart enough to realize that the previous line foo was indented with spaces. It uses a tab for...
image 2: markdown when executed, 'tabs' excuted as one space only, multiple 'enter' doesnt generate a new line, 'multiple spaces' also doesn't generate multiple spaces VSCodeTriageBotassignedmjbvzMay 10, 2024 VSCodeTriageBotremoved thenew releaselabelMay 12, 2024...
// Use 'prettier-stylelint' instead of 'prettier'. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from stylelint rules.2789 "prettier.stylelintIntegration": false, 2790 2791 // Number of spaces it should use per tab ...
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 2, // 禁止空格和 tab 的混合缩进 'no-multi-spaces': 2, // 禁止使用多个空格 'no-multi-str': 2, // 禁止使用多行字符串 'no-multiple-empty-lines': [2, { // 禁止出现多行空行 'max': 1 }],
点击左下角的“空格”或“Tab”按钮,选择你喜欢的缩进方式(空格或制表符)。 可以在设置中搜索“indentation”来调整更多关于缩进的选项。 步骤5:编写Python代码 现在你可以开始编写Python代码了。记得根据你在步骤4中设置的缩进选项来进行缩进。 步骤6:测试代码 ...
instead-of-asi-semi"quotes":["error","double",{"allowTemplateLiterals":true}],// double 双引号 single 单引号 allowTemplateLiterals 支持es6``"no-multi-spaces":"error",// 禁止多个空格
// 代码片段建议置于其他建议之上 "editor.stickyTabStops": true, // 使用空格缩进时模拟制表符的行为,可以方便对齐 "editor.tabSize": 4, // 一个制表符 = 4个空格 "editor.suggest.insertMode": "replace", // 建议的接受方式 "editor.suggest.localityBonus": true, // 控制排序时是否提高靠近光标的...
// 按 `Tab` 键时插入空格。该设置在 `editor.detectIndentation` 启用时根据文件内容可能会被覆盖。 "editor.insertSpaces": true, // 对大型文件进行特殊处理,禁用某些内存密集型功能。 "editor.largeFileOptimizations": true, // 控制以像素为单位的字母间距。 "editor.letterSpacing": 0, // 在编辑...
[yaml]: VSCode-YAML adds default configuration for all yaml files. More specifically it converts tabs to spaces to ensure valid yaml, sets the tab size, and allows live typing autocompletion. These settings can be modified via the corresponding settings inside the[yaml]section in the settings:...