git config –global “Your Name” git config –global “” “` 这将把你的用户名和邮箱配置为全局的默认值,即你在所有的Git仓库中使用的账号信息。 3. 如果你只想为特定的Git仓库更换账号,而不是全局更换账号,可以在你的项目目录中打开终端,并运行以下命令,将...
分支 checkout/switch branch create/remove rename merge rebase 查看、比对 status diff blame log 标记 tag 1.3. 总结 git 2. VSCode VSCode 内置的 Git 工具已经足够好用,其涵盖了 Git 相关的绝大多数命令。 vscode-git 当然,一些扩展仍可令其如虎添翼。 安装扩展 Git History Conventional Commits git-histo...
.git-blame-ignore-revs eng - add ESM migration commit to.git-blame-ignore-revs(#227190) Aug 30, 2024 .gitattributes Whitelist comments in all JSON files. For#129206 Sep 20, 2021 .gitignore feat: switch to npm as default package manager (#226927) ...
Install GitLens by clickingInstallon the banner above, or from the Extensions side bar in VS Code by searching for GitLens. UseSwitch to Pre-Release Versionon the extension banner to be the first to experience new features. Have questions or concerns? Talk to our engineering team directly thr...
放出我自己的地址\n1 git clone 之后我都用github的 地址出现, 大多数用到的我都转到我自己的gitee仓库中了,可以找找\n既然是初体验, 就先跑起来看看吧,本系列中所有的分支都是使用的fuji的发布,clone到master的同学自己checkout到fuji分支上\...
Add switch channel commands into activationEvents to fix command 'Python.swichToDailyChannel' not found. (#7636) Goto cell code lens was not scrolling. (#7639) Make interactive window and native take their fontSize and fontFamily from the settings in VS Code. (#7624) Fix a hang in the In...
开启Nginx 设置里面的扩展组件里面的XDebug调试组件打开 修改php.ini 增加Xdebug的配置 代码语言:txt 复制 [Xdebug] zend_extension=D:/phpstudy_pro/Extensions/php/php7.3.4nts/ext/php_xdebug.dll xdebug.collect_params=1 xdebug.collect_return=1
Issue Type: Bug Lost import alias Like the below code import React from 'react'; import { HashRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; // so on If I use the Organize Import, the HashRouter as Router will be remove. impo...
The extension automatically matches your Git repository remote URL with the GitLab instance URL you specified for your token. If you have multiple accounts or projects, you can choose the one you want to use. For more information, seeSwitch GitLab accounts in VS Code. ...
We are excited to bring the power of GitLens+ features to more people without gates ✨ Commit Graph is out of preview! Contextual right-click menus with popular actions for commits, branches, tags, and authors Double-click on a branch or tag to quickly switch your working tree to it ...