1.软件环境 svn客户端安装的是TortoiseSVN; vscode 安装的为SVN的插件; 2. 问题现象 vscode打开文件夹后右下角提示如下报错:SVN not found. Install it or configure it using the "svn.path" 3.同时输出窗口提信息:Svn installation not found. 4.错误原因: vscode找不到本地的svn.exe. 这个exe在默认安装T...
1.软件环境 svn客户端安装的是TortoiseSVN; vscode 安装的为SVN的插件; 2. 问题现象 vscode打开文件夹后右下角提示如下报错:SVN not found. Install it or configure it using the "svn.path" 3.同时输出窗口提信息:Svn installation not found. 4.错误原因: vscode找不到本地的svn.exe. 这个exe在默认安装T...
Svn installation not found如果没有装svn, 你用svn做为远程库,那么就会出现这个提示。
(1)添加svn插件 (2)安装的svn最好是默认路径安装的,不要问我为什么,因为很多软件都是按照默认路径找到bin的 表⽰安装正确,参考 vscode打开⽂件夹后右下⾓提⽰如下报错:SVN not found. Install it or configure it using the "svn.path"同时输出窗⼝提信息:Svn installation not found.错误原因...
[ "node_modules", "out", "typings", "test" ], // Indicates the maximum depth of folder recursion to search for projects. Any value below 1 means there is no limit "projectManager.svn.maxDepthRecursion": 4, // Should cache the VSCode, Git and SVN projects found? "projectManager....
"**/.svn": true, "**/.vscode": true, "**/build": true, "**/dist": true, "**/tmp": true, "**/yarn.lock": true, "**/assets": true, "**/.history": true, "vite.config.ts.timestamp-*": true, "**/pnpm-lock.yaml": true ...
"/.git": true, "/.svn": true, "/.hg": true, "/CVS": true, "/.DS_Store": true, "/Thumbs.db": true }, "filesAutoSaveAfterDelay": false, "editorInlayHintsEnabled": true, "editorParameterHintsEnabled": true, "searchExclude": { "/node_modules": true, "/bower_components": true...
cmake-tool set intelliSenseMode undefined value, I see the source cmake-tool found this then cpptool server select macos-clang-x64, but target platform error!!! I think cpptool must select correct target platform(here is windows, not macos)by complie arg "--target=x86_64-w64-mingw32"...
HTTPS SSH SVN SVN+SSH 下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录 没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 为确保你提交的代码身份被 Gitee 正确识别,请执行以下命令完成配置 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 使...
"projectManager.configuration.cacheProjectsBetweenSessions.description": "Should cache the VSCode, Git and SVN projects found?", "projectManager.configuration.ignoreProjectsWithinProjects.description": "Should ignore projects found inside other projects?", "projectManager.configuration.checkInvalidPathsBefore...