Open~/.vscode/extensionsfolder, and remove folders with prefix like "", "vscjava.vscode-spring-boot-dashboard", "vscjava.vscode-java-debug", "pivotal.vscode-spring-boot". Open VSCode, install the spring boot dashboard extension from the marketplace. ...
The error is from Spring Tools extension: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/springframework/ide/vscode/boot/app/BootLanguagServerBootApp has been compiled by a more recent ...
该框架使用了特定的方式来进行配置,从而使开发人员不再需要定义样板化的配置。通过这种方式,Spring Boot...
该框架使用了特定的方式来进行配置,从而使开发人员不再需要定义样板化的配置。通过这种方式,Spring Boot...
Spring Boot Dashboard for VS Code. Contribute to microsoft/vscode-spring-boot-dashboard development by creating an account on GitHub.
1.application is springboot prjoject ApiApplication 2. I click dashboard button start or debug, then show me : 错误: 找不到或无法加载主类 com.sico.api.ApiApplication 原因: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sico.api.ApiApplication 3, if i excute command : mvn package, then click start...
Issue Type: Bug Install spring-boot-dashboard Create a new project click on Spring-boot-dashoard icons refresh or start Extension version: 0.1.6 VS Code version: Code 1.40.2 (f359dd69833dd8800b54d458f6d37ab7c78df520, 2019-11-25T14:54:45...
Issue Type: Bug keep loading , not thing show. Extension version: 0.2.0 VS Code version: Code 1.54.3 (2b9aebd5354a3629c3aba0a5f5df49f43d6689f8, 2021-03-15T10:55:45.459Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18363 System Info Item Value CPUs I...