Hi, I recently started to experience an issue using vscode IntelliSense, size_t : identifier "size_t" is undefined C/C++(20) I'm compiling fine though. I'm using vscode in a docker using the Dev Containers extension. I tried adding this part from this issue but nothing changed: "C_...
How to adjust Scrollview content size using autolayouts Hi in my project i have added scrollview on viewcontroller and inside that scrollview i have added textfields and buttons After that i have added auto-layouts for all fields as like below image there ... ...
"editor.fontSize": 16, "workbench.sideBar.location": "right", "editor.formatOnType": true, "editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false, "files.associations": { "*.vue": "html" }, "[vue]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }...
1、.vscode/settings.json中的"editor.tabSize": 4,不过如果设置"editor.detectIndentation": true, 就会根据打开文件的内容自动检测,例如虽然设置的 tabSize 为 4,但是当前文件打开时文件内容的 tabSize 为 2,所以依然会沿用 2,如果设置为 false,后续的 tabSize 则会使用 4 { // 根据打开文件的内容自动检测 ...
# sys_log_roll_mode= SIZE-MB-1024# sys_log_roll_num=10# sys_log_verbose_modules=# log_buffer_level= -1# palo_cgroups 需要创建这两个文件夹,这是be数据存放的地方 mkdir-p /home/disk1/palomkdir-p /home/disk2/palo 3. 打开vscode,并打开be源码所在目录,在本案例中打开目录为/home/workspace...
{"files.autoSave":"onFocusChange","editor.fontSize":18,"go.goroot":"D:\\Go","go.gopath":"D:\\Golang\\MyGO"} 其他保持默认配置即可; 2.3 执行相关命令(自行安装好git) 更多详细信息参考:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.Go ...
1.Colorful Comments Colorful Comments是一款能够让你轻松创建更加易于阅读、对用户更加友好注释的一款VS ...
...HIST HISTSIZE=1000 8.3 命令补全和别名 命令补全Tab 按一次tab可以补全一个命令或参数(需要安装包bash-completion,并重启系统);按两次tab可以显示以某字母开头的所有命令或文件名...### [root@adai003 tmp]# lsaaa -bash: lsaaa: 未找到命令 [root@adai003 tmp]# lsaaa 2>...2.txt [root@ad...
这个问题是由于新版本的链接器 (ld) 使 max-page-size 的默认值从 2MiB 降低到 4kiB,但是 x86-64 内核必须对齐到 2MiB, 这破坏了内核导致了以上的诡异情况. 为了解决该问题[4], 将如下内容添加到arch/x86/Makefile文件的 Line 182. ifdef CONFIG_X86_64 ...
[配置字段]` 配置字段, 详见下方 tips.4 "minapp-vscode.jsBeautifyHtml": "useCodeBuiltInHTML", // 使用自定义配置 "minapp-vscode.jsBeautifyHtml": { // jsBeautify 默认配置 "content_unformatted": "text", "wrap_attributes": "force", "indent_size": 2, "wrap_attributes_indent_size": 2, "...