1. 确保已经在VSCode中打开了相应的Git仓库。可以在VSCode的侧边栏中,通过点击”Source Control”按钮(类似于三条水平线组成的图标)来打开Git集成界面。 2. 在Git集成界面中,会显示出当前仓库内的文件列表。所有已修改的文件都会显示在”Changes”菜单下面。如果有文件已经暂存(Staged)或已提交(Committed),可以在相应...
具体来说,当在Vscode中打开一个Git仓库中的文件时,可以通过以下步骤将文件的所有行显示为Git更改: 确保已经在Vscode中安装了Git插件,并且已经将Git仓库克隆到本地。 打开需要查看Git更改的文件。 在Vscode的底部状态栏中,可以看到一个类似于"master"的分支名称,点击该分支名称。 在弹出的下拉菜单中,选择"Show All ...
Open All git Changes in one window is supported in vscode, but it can be do better. Just like other git tools (webstorm or Folk), users can open all changes in a seperate window (in maximum size), which is very convenient for reviewing c...
1. git命令操作 git命令为:git commit -m "备注信息" 2. vscode操作 1)点击 + :暂存更改 2)在消息输入框中添加 备注信息(关键地方) 3)一定要输入 备注信息 后,再点击 提交,不然就会报“please enter the commit...”的错 4)最后再点击 同步更改...
Compare Changes Start Live Share Session 14、develop分支合并到master分支 14.1 切换到 master 分支,准备合并 git checkout master 14.2 将 develop 分支上的代码合并到当前 master 分支 git merge develop 14.3 如果出现代码冲突,请参考第13步解决冲突。
VSCode Version: 1.52.1 (user setup) OS Version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18363 Steps to Reproduce: Open a git repository Make a merge branch The issue is only specific to this git project, I tried to delete it and run git clone, didn't fix it...
推送本地代码到远程仓库:git push -u origin master,参见图3.2。 图3.1 图3.2 4. 创建一个空分支,不包含任何文件 首先要清理工作目录,即在当前分支中完成提交: git add . git commit -m "Committing changes before creating orphan branch" 或暂不提交: ...
Java: Reload Project(Shift+Alt+U): It forces project configuration / classpath updates (eg. dependency changes or Java compilation level), according to the project build descriptor. Java: Import Java Projects into Workspace: detects and imports all the Java projects into the Java Language Server...
auto - Automatically apply the changes after compilation. never - Never apply the changes. java.debug.settings.enableRunDebugCodeLens: enable the code lens provider for the run and debug buttons over main entry points, defaults to true. java.debug.settings.forceBuildBeforeLaunch: force building th...
We would have a chance to deside what icons do we want to show and we could also redesign the tree structure (e.g. grouping issue queries and MR queries) The current implementation of the tree view is mainly untested (except for a few integration tests) and it is not extensible in its...