Opengit showfor the latest commit on the current line in an vscode terminal. How to use Git blame adds git blame information to your vscode compatible view. See information about what commit last changed a line and how long ago it was. Click the message to see more information about the ...
Toggle Git blame annotations justBlame.toggleBlame Settings You can change the following options in the Visual Studio Code setting: DescriptionSettingDefault Colors to show age of blame entries justBlame.colorScale See below Locale to format dates justBlame.locale en-GB Here’s how a config file...
这个可以选择不同分支的同一文件进行比较,选择完毕,点击下来,到达下面这个页面 大家按照自己的需要进行选择就好了 Show Branch History 显示所有版本提交历史 举个例子 假如我有个文件,名为txt.js,分支有a1,a2,现在我的分支是a2,但是有同事在a1上修改,这个时候我合并的a1分支,也就是git a2 merge a1,出现了严重的...
Todo Tree:配置勾选Show Badges(文件图标类型区分), Show In Explorer(工作区显示),Show Counts In Tree(目录显示总数) TODO List Todo Highlight:代码中高亮显示 代码和背景:Flatland Monkai 目录图标:VSCode Icons Mac Code Spell Checker:单词拼写检查 GitLens:显示每一行的提交人和对应commit,右上角的那个分支...
"gitlens.advanced.telemetry.enabled": false, "gitlens.blame.avatars": false, "gitlens....
visual studio code (vsc) 对开发c,c++,node.js,javascript,python,html,golang,及撰写markdown等比较友好,同时支持git浏览及分屏对比,运行速度快,所以是值得一用的编辑器。 vscode阅读c和c++代码的插件clangd clangd能做很多代码解析工作,vscode使用clangd,能简化代码阅读,但是需要每个文件编译的命令,而且名字必须为co...
"git.confirmSync":false, "editor.tabSize": 2, "eslint.alwaysShowStatus":true, "eslint.format.enable":true, "":"onSave", "eslint.codeAction.showDocumentation": { "enable":true }, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint":true, ...
Simple CSV Editor:Show, edit and save CSV data. Really nothing much at this time. 方便筛选和...
vscode.window.showWarningMessage('You have to active a file first');return; }//拿到鼠标选择的内容constselection = editor.selection;//合成git命令constcmd =`git blame -L${selection.start.line +1},${selection.end.line +1}${editor.document.fileName}--line-porcelain`;//通过child_press执行该...
Now, I want to show you how it works and how it can improve your routine. So don't waste time and let's jump in it! Both are good, what would you pick? 4 projects | /r/ProgrammerHumor | 1 Sep 2022 GitLens extension chef's kiss tig blame online 2 projects | | 21...