Error Lens可以以inline的方式提示warning和error 删 "window.menuBarVisibility": "hidden", "workbench.activityBar.visible": false, "workbench.editor.showTabs": false, "editor.lineNumbers": "off", 改 "workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux": "zsh" 把pan...
],//树的图标 -- 可以自定义具体什么时候触发事件 事件要在上面先定义"view/item/context": [ {"command":"worktile.refresh-work-item-tree-node","when":"view == worktile-work-items && viewItem != do-not-show","group":"inline"} ] } },"scripts": {"build:sky":"cd sky && npm run ...
],//树的图标 -- 可以自定义具体什么时候触发事件 事件要在上面先定义"view/item/context": [ {"command":"worktile.refresh-work-item-tree-node","when":"view == worktile-work-items && viewItem != do-not-show","group":"inline"} ] } },"scripts": {"build:sky":"cd sky && npm run ...
let disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('hello-world.helloWorld', () => { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from hello-world!'); }); context.subscriptions.push(disposable); } export function deactivate() {} 除掉注释和空格,不到10行代码。 该文件导出2个方法,activate...
Default is false if explorer is enabled. showInlineError: (optional) show vscode style inline error and error message viewer. Default is false.4.1 default is "jest.testExplorer": {"enabled": true}Debug ConfigThis extension looks for jest specific debug config ("vscode-jest-tests" or "vscod...
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('获取区块列表失败');return[]; }const{ blocks } = resp;returntoBlock(blocks); } } } 这里的重点是实现getChildren方法,返回树的数据结构。这里有 2 种情况: 参数element为空时,说明是根目录,需要构造出树的第一层数据结构(数组)。
Show more main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'config-path'] main Unexpected input(s) 'appInsightsKey', valid inputs are ['token', 'config-path']
You can see how their error pane can (optionally) hide and show itself in their screenshot (down at the bottom of the screen). They are also optionally showing errors inline there, though I always preferred the list at the bottom of the screen: 👍 15 Member sandy081 commented Aug 15...
"editor.showUnused": true, // 控制编辑器是否在滚动时使用动画。 "editor.smoothScrolling": false, // 控制代码片段是否与其他建议一起显示及其排列的位置。 // - top: 在其他建议上方显示代码片段建议。 // - bottom: 在其他建议下方显示代码片段建议。 // - inline: 在其他建议中穿插显示代码...
滚动到最下面,点击"Show All Task…"(中文插件对应为"显示所有任务") 可以看到有这里有两个任务,一个是监视(watch)任务,一个是构建(build)任务,如图: 选择红框所圈出的"监视任务"。——接下来就可以自动编译代码了。此时终端已被启动,你将在终端中看到如下内容: ...