基础快捷键按 Press 功能 Function Ctrl + Shift + P,F1 显示命令面板 Show Command Palette Ctrl + P 快速打开 Quick Open Ctrl + Shift + N 新窗口/实例 New window/instance Ctrl + Shift + W ...
vscode sftp插件: Ctrl + Shift + P,F1 显示命令面板 Show Command Palette Windwos下摁Ctrl+Shift+P,输入SFTP: config命令并运行,进入sftp.json配置项如下: { "name": "站点名称", "host": "ip地址", "port": 22, "username": "登录名", "password": "登录密码", "protocol": "sftp", "agent":...
"editor.suggest.showStatusBar": true, // 控制建议小部件底部的状态栏可见 "editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": true, // 控制在键入触发字符后是否自动显示建议 "editor.suggestSelection": "first", // 始终预先选择第一个建议 "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": "matchingDocuments", // 控制是否根据文档中的文...
"prettier.semi": false, //去掉代码结尾的分号 "prettier.singleQuote": true, //使用单引号替代双引号 "javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": true, //让函数(名)和后面的括号之间加个空格 "editor.renderControlCharacters": true, // 控制器是否显示控制字符 "editor.renderWhitespace": "al...
受到Material Design 的启发,提供多种颜色变体,界面简洁、美观。 Night Owl 专为夜间编程设计的主题,颜色选择旨在减少眼睛疲劳。 Tokyo Night 一个优雅的深色主题,灵感来自东京的夜景。 Functionality Partial Diff 比较文件、剪贴板和选定文本之间的文本差异。
[]to declare a range of characters to match (e.g.,example.[0-9]to match onexample.0,example.1, … 显示相关 全屏:F11 zoomIn/zoomOut:Ctrl + =/Ctrl + - 侧边栏显/隐:Ctrl+B 侧边栏4大功能显示: Show ExplorerCtrl+Shift+E Show SearchCtrl+Shift+F ...
Show all error messages instead of just the first one when query execution results in multiple errors We would like to thank all our users who raised issues, and in particular the following users who helped contribute features or localization of the tool: ...
校验"prettier.semi":false,//去掉代码结尾的分号"prettier.singleQuote":true,//使用单引号替代双引号"javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis":true,//让函数(名)和后面的括号之间加个空格"editor.renderControlCharacters":true,// 控制器是否显示控制字符"editor.renderWhitespace":"all"// 在空白...
"editor.formatOnPaste": false, // 控制键入触发器字符时是否应自动显示建议 "editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": true, // 控制除了 "Tab" 键以外,是否还应在遇到 "Enter" 键时接受建议。帮助避免“插入新行”或“接受建议”之间出现歧义。 "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": true, // 控制是否应在遇到提交...
Show all error messages instead of just the first one when query execution results in multiple errors Contributions and "thank you" We would like to thank all our users who raised issues, and in particular the following users who helped contribute features or localization of the tool: ...