VSCode shortcut for windows常见命令: Ctrl+Shift+P或F1:调出命令面板,可以输出执行所有命令。 Ctrl+P:在不同的文件跳转 Ctrl+Shift+Tab:在所有打开的文件中进行跳转 Ctrl+Shift+O:跳转到文件中的Symbol Ctrl+T:搜索当前文件夹下的所有Symbol Ctrl+G:跳转到某一行 Alt+<-/->:向后/向前跳转 可以修改Preferen...
// Controls whether the terminal running the task is revealed or not. Default is "always". // always: Always reveals the terminal when this task is executed. // silent: Only reveals the terminal if the task exits with an error or the problem matcher finds an error.(会显示错误,但不会显...
6. 保存设置后,关闭并重新打开VS Code。现在,你可以使用Keyboard Shortcut(默认是 Ctrl+Alt+N),或者右键点击选中的代码,选择“Run Code”来在CMD窗口中运行代码。 worktile 要在VS Code中设置在cmd窗口运行,可按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开VS Code,点击左侧的“扩展”图标(四个方块组成)。 2. 在搜索栏中输...
打开默认键盘快捷方式设置:File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts( 中文界面时:“文件”->“首选项”->“键盘快捷方式”),或者:Alt+F -> p -> k -> Enter,进入后如下图一所示。 修改快捷键绑定方法一:直接在对应命令那一行点击,出现笔状图标,点击进入修改,如下图一所示: 修改快捷键绑定方法二:点击...
Accessing the integrated terminal is straightforward. It can be opened by using the predefined keyboard shortcut or through the View menu by selecting Terminal. Multiple instances can also be opened to run different tasks simultaneously, simplifying multi-task execution. ...
You can define a keyboard shortcut for any task. From the Command Palette (kb(workbench.action.showCommands)), select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts File, bind the desired shortcut to the workbench.action.tasks.runTask command, and define the Task as args....
Run multiple commands (in sequence) Use Tree View / Quick Pick / Status Bar / Document link to run commands Assign keyboard shortcut to specified commands Create alias for existing commands Simple command "Toggle activity": "workbench.action.toggleActivityBarVisibility", Command with arguments "Typi...
- chorded: Adds a chorded set of shortcut keys that start with `Ctrl+Alt+G` (`⌥⌘G` on macOS) 2293 // - none: No shortcut keys will be added 2294 "gitlens.keymap": "chorded", 2295 2296 // Specifies whether to allow guest access to GitLens features when using Visual Studi...
{//shortcut: F5 (start debugging)"type":"lldb","request":"launch","name":"LLDB Debugger","cwd":"${workspaceFolder}","program":".build/debug/${fileBasenameNoExtension}","args": [],"terminal":"integrated","preLaunchTask":"fpc: Build Debug","postDebugTask":"fpc: Remove Build Files"...
Under the "Terminal" menu (or using another shortcut to the same tool), select "Run Task..." Select the "Bootstrap" task Building the Source Tree Under the "Terminal" menu select "Run Build Task..." Tasks Located in the tasks json file you'll find a list of tasks that can be r...