5. Commenting Code Blocks: To quickly comment out a block of code, you can use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C`. To uncomment the code block, use the shortcut key `Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U`. These are the basic ways to add comments in the English version of VS Code. Rememb...
I can't use the shortcut for commenting anymore ctrl +/ it simply stopped working. While typing around on the VS Code i can type "/" and use ctrl correctly, most of shortcuts seem to be fine. But when trying to assigning a new shortcut ,for the toggle line command, it doesn't a...
Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + SCtrl + K, then Ctrl + SCmd + K, then Cmd + SLaunch the Keyboard Shortcut interface. Ctrl + Shift + NCtrl + Shift + NCmd + Shift + NOpen a new window. Ctrl + Shift + WCtrl + WCmd + WClose the window. ...
Note: Rectangular selection (just a fast way of doing multi-cursor for consecutive lines) + the comment shortcut should do what you want I think. I personally like the way it's working right now. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to...
Example of toggling typescript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled by shortcut:ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippetsProvides Javascript and React/Redux snippets in ES7 GiGenerating .gitignore files made easy.Git HistoryView git log, file or line History ...
If the provider chooses to, this object can be used as the key for a cache, * and searches with the same session object can search the same cache. When the token is cancelled, the session is complete and the cache can be cleared....
{//Editor//Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."diffEditor.codeLens":false,//When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace."diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace":true,//Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled. Use 0 for no timeout."...
Commenting and uncommenting COBOL code You can comment and uncomment COBOL code using a keyboard shortcut. This method works for both single-line comments and multi-line block comments. How to use it In a COBOL file, place your cursor where you would like to add a single-line comment. ...
On Windows, ctrl-d. gb, a new shortcut we added which is equivalent to cmd-d (OSX) or ctrl-d (Windows). It adds another cursor at the next word that matches the word the cursor is currently on. Running "Add Cursor Above/Below" or the shortcut on any platform....
Commenting and uncommenting one or more lines in a PDF enables features and capabilities to be switched on or off easily. Note that PDF only has line comments (%). Highlight one or more lines in a PDF/FDF file and use the "Toggle Line Comment" command. Windows comment shortcut CTRL+/...