之后输入dart --version也能够显示版本。但是运行之后还是有报错:/bin/sh: dart: command not found重启再配置再运行也试过了无效。 相关代码 dart的demo,夭折在hello world太扎心了: main(){ print("hello world"); } 我就是想知道怎么能让dart运行起来,谢谢大家的围观和建议! dartvisual-studio-codeflutter ...
当你在VSCode中遇到 /bin/sh: python: command not found 的错误时,这通常意味着VSCode的终端无法找到Python解释器。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 确认系统中是否已安装Python: 打开终端(不一定是VSCode的终端,系统的终端也可以),输入以下命令来检查Python是否已安装: sh python --version 或者尝试: sh python3...
如果重启vscode调试后还是报错并提示下面的信息: PS D:\Python> D:/Anaconda/Scripts/activate PS D:\Python> conda activate base CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. If your shell is Bash or a Bourne variant, enable conda for the current user...
由于之前安装Flutter时候已经捆绑安装了Dart,所以Dart路径在FlutterSDK的/bin/cache/dart-sdk目录下,我们需要配置Dart的环境变量: 命令打开环境变量: sudo vi ~/.bash_profile 配置Dart SDK所在路径: export PATH=${PATH}:flutterSDK地址/bin/cache/dart-sdk 保存并退出,保险起见刷新一下profile source ~/.bash_pro...
第一种报错(使用的自带mac命令行) bash: adb: command not found 1、vim ~/.bash_profile ,如果...
bash filename 1. 其中filename是在镜像或者anaconda官网下载的.sh文件,如下: 2.检查安装是否成功 #下面两个指令都可以 anaconda --version conda info --envs 1. 2. 3. 4. 这里有时候会遇到报错: conda: command not found 1. 这是因为~/.bashrc文件没有配置好,需要进行配置: ...
Error type: 127 Error Message: Process 'docker context ls --format="{{json .}}"' exited with code 127 Error: /bin/sh: docker: command not found Version: 1.5.0 OS: darwin OS Release: 18.7.0 Product: Visual Studio Code Product Version: 1.48.2 Language: en Call Stack Contributor...
安装 pip install paramiko 基于用户名密码的连接 import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # ...
Terminal: MSYS 1.0 i686 [GNU bash, version 3.1.23(1)-release] Since last update, every time i open the vscode i get this error in the terminal: bash: c:\Users\kapodamy\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app/out/vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/media/shellIntegration...
exit 1 fi # Verify the downloaded file exists and is not empty if [ ! -s ${program_latest_filename} ]; then echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Downloaded file is empty or not found${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi echo -e "Extracting ${program_name}..." ...