方法一:点击左侧菜单栏的Run(Ctrl+Shift+D)按钮,再点击create a launch.json file。如下图所示:...
contribution:一个完整的业务模块,可以包含多个 Service 和 Widget,他不会被其他模块依赖,比如查找替换。 service:一个服务类,可以理解为一个偏底层的基础功能模块,比如 logService、configurationService。 serviceCollection:服务集合,内部可以注册很多 Service,等待实例化。 instantiationService容器服务,用于实例化 Service ...
[阅读有关配置 Shell 的详细信息](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_configuration)。1749 "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": [ 1750 "-l" 1751 ], 1752 1753 // 在Windows 终端上使用的命令行参数。[阅读有关配置 Shell 的详细信息](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs...
首先在 Workspace 关闭 Java> Configuration: Detect Jdks At Start 然后在 User 的 Java> Configuration: Runtimes 中添加 JDK 对应User 的 settings.json, 这里的name是系统给定的值 "java.configuration.runtimes":[ { "name":"JavaSE-11", "path":"/opt/jdk/jdk-11.0.18/" }, { "name":"JavaSE-17...
"java.test.config":[{"name":"myConfiguration","workingDirectory":"${workspaceFolder}","vmargs":["-Xmx512M"],"env":{"key":"value"},},{// Another configuration item...},...] Note: The commandsRun With ConfigurationandDebug With Configurationareremovedfrom version0.14.0. The extension wi...
For information on how to set configuration in VSCode, seehere. If your server is manually installed and not on your path, you can also manually set the path to the executable. "haskell.serverExecutablePath":"~/.local/bin/haskell-language-server" ...
// - vscode.configuration-editing: 在配置文件 (如设置、启动和扩展推荐文件) 中提供高级 IntelliSense、自动修复等功能 // - vscode.css-language-features: 为 CSS、LESS 和 SCSS 文件提供丰富的语言支持。 // - vscode.debug-auto-launch: 当 node-debug 扩展未启用时提供自动附加的辅助程序。 // -...
java.configuration.runtimes: Map Java Execution Environments to local JDKs. java.server.launchMode: Standard: Provides full features such as intellisense, refactoring, building, Maven/Gradle support etc... LightWeight: Starts a syntax server with lower start-up cost. Only provides syntax features su...
(), resolveNlsConfiguration()]); startup(cachedDataDir, nlsConfig);}function startup(cachedDataDir, nlsConfig) { // 先加载 vscode 自己开源的 AMD Loader https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-loader/ // 再使用这个 loader 去加载 VSCode 的主入口文件 require('./bootstrap-amd').load('vs/code...
I select my launch configuration (set to use ${file} so it debugs the currently open file). Then I click Run. What normally happens at this point is that I get an error message that no target has been selected. Clicking OK reveals the Sel...