配置 "textMateRules": [ { "scope": [ "emphasis" ], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic" } }, { "scope": [ "strong" ], "settings": { "fontStyle": "bold" } }, { "scope": [ "header" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#bf9eee" } }, { "scope": [ "meta.diff", "m...
1. 打开VSCode并进入“首选项”(Preferences)菜单,选择“设置”(Settings)。 2. 在搜索框中输入“terminal font”,找到“Terminal › Integrated: Font Family”设置项。 3. 点击“编辑设置(json)”,进入settings.json文件。 4. 在settings.json文件中,找到”terminal.integrated.fontFamily”字段,可以设置为系统字...
1. 下载TEXLIVE https://mirror-hk.koddos.net/CTAN/systems/texlive/Images/ 下载texlive.iso后按照...
Enter the name of the element you want to customize in the newly entered braces (how many times have I repeated this sentence), and enter the color you want to set at the back. The specific format can refer to the code above. If you want to set the font bold and italic, you can ...
,\\r\\n\\t\\\"[jsonc]\\\": {\\r\\n\\t\\t\\\"editor.defaultFormatter\\\": \\\"esbenp.prettier-vscode\\\"\\r\\n\\t},\\r\\n\\t// \\\"window.zoomLevel\\\": 2,\\r\\n\\t\\\"editor.unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters\\\": false,\\r\\n\\t\\\"editor....
"editor.fontFamily":"Fira Code", 字体就变成漂亮的连体等宽字体 Fira Code 了。 众所周知 VScode 在配置时比较麻烦,这点可以通过登录 Github 账号解决,也可以通过下载 VScode 绿色版解决。这里就介绍一下怎么下载 VScode 绿色版。 首先还是在这里下载,不过这次下载的是 .zip 压缩包,解压完之后在 Code.exe 同级...
"terminal.integrated.enableBold": true, // 控制终端游标是否闪烁。 "terminal.integrated.cursorBlinking": false, // 控制终端游标的样式。 "terminal.integrated.cursorStyle": "block", // 控制终端保持在缓冲区的最大行数。 "terminal.integrated.scrollback": 1000, // 控制是否在终端启动时设置区域设置变量...
⚡ A professional theme with hand-picked & bold shades of purple 💜 to go along with your VS Code. A custom VS Code theme with style. People to Follow A list of Twitter accounts for various people in the VS Code Community @code- The official VS Code Twitter ...
vim.easymotionMarkerFontWeight The font weight used for the marker text. String 'bold' vim.easymotionKeys The characters used for jump marker name String 'hklyuiopnm,qwertzxcvbasdgjf;' vim.easymotionJumpToAnywhereRegex Custom regex to match for JumpToAnywhere motion (analogous to Easymotion_re_anyw...
"terminal.integrated.fontWeightBold": "bold", 1705 1706 // 控制终端字符的间距。此项的值为整数,表示在字符间添加的额外像素数。1707 "terminal.integrated.letterSpacing": 0, 1708 1709 // 控制终端的行高,此数字乘上终端字号得到实际行高(以像素为单位)。1710...