打开WSL终端(可以在开始菜单中搜索WSL或在CMD中运行wsl命令)。 在WSL终端中,运行wsl --set-default-version 2命令,将WSL版本设置为2(如果尚未设置)。 运行wsl --set-default <distribution name>命令,将指定的发行版设置为默认发行版(例如,wsl --set-default Ubuntu-20.04)。
打开vscode,选择扩展程序安装在搜索框中搜索WSL,并安装安装完成,重启vscode 3、扩展程序使用 点击vscode的左下角的绿色标志然后选择“connect to wsl”,等待一会及连接上了选择打开文件夹,就可以操作子系统的文件了新建Terminal,可以使用命令行工具执行快捷命令编辑于 2024-04-22 21:49・IP 属地湖北 ...
Docker 也专门开发了可以使用WSL2中的Docker守护进程的桌面管理程序, 打开 Docker Desktop WSL2 backend 页面,下载最新的 Docker Desktop for Windows 程序 ,建议下载stable版本。下载地址:https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop 启动Docker Desktop for Windows,点击“设置”按钮,启用基于WSL2的引擎复选框(U...
配置windows terminal的"startingDirectory": "./" 试一试右键点击Terminal here 接入vscode 下载插件Remote - WSL 打开setting.json配置terminal打开方式 "terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\WINDOWS\System32\wsl.exe" 现在试一试效果,舒服 接入code runner 现在你的所有包都放在wsl中,跑code runner是不行的,...
false,"name":"Ubuntu","source":"Windows.Terminal.Wsl"},{"guid":"{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}","hidden":false,"name":"Azure Cloud Shell","source":"Windows.Terminal.Azure"}]},// Add custom color schemes to this array"schemes":[],// Add any keybinding overrides to ...
Type: Bug When reopening a vscode window, VSCode tries to restore the terminal. Ocasionally, the restored terminal appears as if it didn't load (run) its profile/RC file (in my case .zshrc), having no configured prompt - and gives a "som...
I can't open VSCode from the WSL terminal but can access it via the integrated terminal. I have read #6294 and tried all the solutions, also upgraded and downgraded to various versions of VSCode and Remote WSL extension but was unable to...
+ , 打开设置,搜索 Shell: Windows 打开 settings.json 配置文件,尾部添加这一行代码 "terminal....
windwos下命令行挺难用的,之前一直用cmder还不错,但后期卡卡的,改用了windows terminal,真香啊,速度和外观都不错,刚好最近在学linux,一直用的ali云做测试,想着统一一下包管理和命令行,发现了wsl这个东西,就打算改造一下windows,个人电脑系统为windwos 10 1909,详细操作如下:
Literally all you have to do is open Powershell, type “wsl --install”, pick your username/password, and you’ll have Ubuntu 22.04 running. Then install VSCode, which auto-detects that WSL is installed, and voila, you can type “code .” in the Ubuntu terminal to open any directory ...