// where we do not persist the associations await this.userDataProfilesMainService.setProfileForWorkspace(workspace, profile); } } // Load it window.load(configuration
“` 6. 设置默认终端:打开VSCode,在菜单栏中选择`View` > `Terminal`,然后点击终端面板右上角的下拉箭头,选择`Select Default Profile`,再选择Linux终端。 7. 配置终端设置:在VSCode的用户设置中,找到`”terminal.integrated.shell.linux”`属性,将其值设置为Linux终端对应的路径,如: “`json “terminal.integrate...
if (!(Test-Path -Path $PROFILE )) { New-Item -Type File -Path $PROFILE -Force } notepad $PROFILE 输入以下内容: Import-Module PSReadLine Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function Complete Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+d" -Function MenuComplete Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+z...
I imported a profile from my previous machine and no matter what I do or try with workarounds will get MY profile to be the default one on start up. I have to first fail to use something from my profile, then realize I'm on the "Default" one, then switch over. on every.single....
IVsProfileDataManager IVsProfilerAttachTargetInfo IVsProfilerLaunchBrowserTargetInfo IVsProfilerLauncher IVsProfilerLaunchExeTargetInfo IVsProfilerLaunchTargetInfo IVsProfilerLaunchWebServerTargetInfo IVsProfilerTargetInfo IVsProfileSettingsFileCollection IVsProfileSettingsFileInfo IVsProfileSettingsTree IVsProfiles...
Delete Profile This removed a previously saved profile. Select Live Share Profile This will set a previously saved profile as the default profile to be used onVS Code Live Share. Once set, when you launch a Live Share session your profile will be automatically enabled, and then once your ses...
安装clangd可直接从官方github release页面下载:https://github.com/clangd/clangd/releases。 如果自行编译,需要给 cmake 的LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS选项传入clang-tools-extra,然后等待30分钟~1小时(根据CPU情况确定)。 配置clangd将 clangd 安装路径放入 PATH, 然后重开 VSCode。
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) 1. 1.3 安装AdoptOpenJDK 打开官网手动下载,手动下载的目的是解决Coding Pack for Java 下载过慢 选择OpenJDK11 和 HotSpot ...
...直接ctrl + A,然后右键选择安装全部字体 安装完成后我们会得到如下3个字体 Hasklug Nerd FontHasklug Nerd Font MonoHasklug NF vscode Windows...3.1 编辑配置文件在Windows Terminal里执行下面命令编辑或新建一个配置文件 notepad $PROFILE # 如果在path里安装了vscode也可以用下面命令打开...Font Mono',...