// - selectWord: 选择光标下的单词并显示上下文菜单。 "terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior": "copyPaste", // 控制终端保持在缓冲区的最大行数。 "terminal.integrated.scrollback": 1000, // 终端在 Linux 上使用的 shell 的路径(默认: /bin/bash)。[详细了解如何配置 shell](https://code.visu...
// - selectWord: 选择光标下的单词并显示上下文菜单。1728 "terminal.integrated.rightClickBehavior": "copyPaste", 1729 1730 // 控制终端保持在缓冲区的最大行数。1731 "terminal.integrated.scrollback": 1000, 1732 1733 // 控制是否在终端启动时设置语言区域变量。
可以是"none"、 "same" 或 "indent"。46"editor.wrappingIndent": "same",4748//要对鼠标滚轮滚动事件的 "deltaX" 和 "deltaY" 使用的乘数49"editor.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity": 1,5051//控制键入时是否应显示快速建议52"editor.quickSuggestions":true,5354//控制延迟多少毫秒后将显示快速建议55"editor.quickS...
Type: Bug SHIFT + CMD + L is not working for select all occurances of selection . But the same is working when I click from selection dropdown VS Code version: Code 1.89.0 (Universal) (b58957e, 2024-05-01T02:10:10.196Z) OS version: Darwi...
Exception error when running the code in a folder but it does show this error when i run another code in the same folder .The error seams to be show for some files and for some files it doesn't. #237001closedDec 28, 2024 [html] `editor.linkedEditing` does not work when the tag ...
Tip:From the Explorer, you can right-click on a folder and selectFind in Folderto search inside a folder only. VS Code does supportregular expressionsearches, however,backreferencesandlookaroundaren't supported by default. But you can enable these with the settingsearch.usePCRE2. This configures...
(Mac). You will get a list of suggestions and the option to add the word.You can also type in a word you want to add to the dictionary: F1 add word -- select Add Word to Dictionary and type in the word you wish to add.cspell...
"less.lint.idSelector": "ignore", // 允许在任何文件中设置断点 "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": false, // 调试会话结束时自动打开资源管理器视图 "debug.openExplorerOnEnd": false, // 调试时,在编辑器中显示变量值内联 "debug.inlineValues": false, // 控制是否应该隐藏浮点调试操作栏 "debug.hide...
// - selectWord: Double clicking selects the word under the cursor. // - goToLocation: Double clicking opens the result in the active editor group. // - openLocationToSide: Double clicking opens the result in the editor group to the side, creating one if it does not yet exist. "...
Extensions that share the same affinity value are associated with a shared extension host (extension manager from VSCode). Performance issues arise when a number of extensions have the same host. On-going operations of one extension may slow down the operations of another. However, if an extensio...