-L,--listfilespackage-name... List files installed to your system from package-name. -S,--searchfilename-search-pattern... Searchfora filename from installed packages. -p,--print-availpackage-name... Display details about package-name, as foundin /var/lib/dpkg/available. Users of APT-b...
int GetFileName(unsigned int iItem, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] std::wstring const & & pbstrFilename); Parameters iItem UInt32 [in] Index of the context item. pbstrFilename String [out] String containing the file name for the item. Returns Int32 If the method succeeds,...
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "(gdb) Launch", // 配置名称,将会在启动配置的下拉菜单中显示 "type": "cppdbg", // 配置类型,这里只能为cppdbg "request": "launch", // 请求配置类型,可以为launch(启动)或attach(附加) "program": "${workspaceFolder}/exe/${fileBasenam...
private searchFiles(parentPath: string): MyTreeItem[] { var treeDir: MyTreeItem[] = []; if(this.pathExists(parentPath)){ var fsReadDir = fs.readdirSync(parentPath, 'utf-8'); fsReadDir.forEach(fileName => { var filePath = path.join(parentPath, fileName);//用绝对路径 if(fs.statS...
“databaseFilename” 为空字符串,可能表示不使用特定的数据库文件进行符号查找。launch.json文件配置 /...
$" ], "javaBuildTools": [ { "displayName": "Maven", "buildFileNames": [ "pom.xml" ] }, { "displayName": "Gradle", "buildFileNames": [ "build.gradle", "settings.gradle", "build.gradle.kts", "settings.gradle.kts" ] } ], "javaShortcuts": [ { "title": "$(settings-...
"compareFolders.ignoreFileNameCase": false, "compareFolders.useDiffMerge": true, "C_Cpp.files.exclude": { "**/.vscode": true, "**/.vs": true }, } github-actions commented on Oct 6, 2023 github-actions on Oct 6, 2023 Hey @Colengms, this issue might need further attention. @MK...
"java": "cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt", "c": "cd $dir && gcc $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt" } } 下表是Code Runner支持的自定义参数: 下面是本人的配置: { "code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true, ...
/* await Promise.all(fileNames.map(async (file) => { const contents = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8'); console.log(contents); })); */ const promiseAll = await Promise.all( monthArr.map(async (item) => { let res: any = await this.startChildProcessNoParams( ...
// get extension id from filename and api for extension const ext = this._extensionPaths.findSubstr(parent.fsPath); if (ext) { let apiImpl = this._extApiImpl.get(ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(ext.identifier)); if (!apiImpl) { apiImpl = this._apiFactory(ext, this._extensionRegistry, this...