In VS Code I really like the speed when using Search tab on the left when searching for a specific file content, optionally only in files matching specific file name string. But there is a feature I miss in VS almost on daily basis - sea...
.vscode settings files.exclude & search.exclude & .gitignore {"files.exclude": {"**/vendor/":true,"**/.git":true,"**/.DS_Store":true,"**/jspm_packages":true,"**/node_modules":true,"**/.zip":true,"**/.sh":true},"search.exclude": {"**/node_modules":true,"**/dist":t...
The search would only include themy-folderdirectory, located at the root of your project. I've also written a detailed guide onhow to exclude folders from search in VS Code. #How to Search for a specific File in VS Code If you need to search for a specific file in your project: Pres...
{ "command": "java.project.updateSourceAttachment.command", "when": "editorReadonly && editorLangId == java", "group": "1_javaactions" }, { "command": "java.projectConfiguration.update", "when": "resourceFilename =~ /(.*\\.gradle)|(.*\\.gradle\\.kts)|(pom\\.xml)$/", "...
850 "search.location": "sidebar", 851 852 // 启用后,搜索服务进程将保持活动状态,而不是在一个小时不活动后关闭。这将使文件搜索缓存保留在内存中。853 "search.maintainFileSearchCache": false, 854 855 // 是否在 Quick Open 的文件结果中包含最近打开的文件。
${fileExtname}:当前打开文件的拓展名,如.json ${cwd}: 启动时任务运行程序的当前工作目录 ${workspaceFolder}:表示当前workspace文件夹路径 ${workspaceRootFolderName}:表示workspace的文件夹名 ${env:PATH}:系统中的环境变量 VSCode调试配置项说明 request:请求配置类型,可以为launch(启动)或attach(附加) ...
// search "search.showLineNumbers": true, // 显示搜索结果所在行号 "search.smartCase": true, // 当搜索词为小写时,则不区分大小写进行搜索,否则区分大小写 // 配置在搜索中排除的文件和文件夹的glob模式 "search.exclude": { // "someFolder/": true, // "somefile": true }, // output "outp...
java.inlayHints.parameterNames.enabled: Enable/disable inlay hints for parameter names. Supported values are:none(disable parameter name hints),literals(Enable parameter name hints only for literal arguments) andall(Enable parameter name hints for literal and non-literal arguments). Defaults toliterals...
Search the online Nvim documentation: Add keybindings Every special (control/alt) keyboard shortcut must be explicitly defined in VSCode to send to neovim. By default, only bindings that are included by Neovim by default are sent. ...
"search.maintainFileSearchCache": false, // 是否在 Quick Open 的文件结果中包含最近打开的文件。 "search.quickOpen.includeHistory": true, // 控制 Quick Open 文件结果中是否包括全局符号搜索的结果。 "search.quickOpen.includeSymbols": false, // 在键入时搜索所有文件。 "search.searchOnType...