结果导致vscode设置的断点不能被命中。 最终查明原因是rustc默认不生成debugsymbol,需要用rustc -g xxx.rs才能生成。-g = -C debuginfo=2, rust codegen参数参考如下: Codegen Options - The rustc book 测试了下,cargo build默认是带debug symbol的,可以使用cargo build --release去掉。 debug symbol确认方法:...
rust-analyzer为我们配置好了debug configuration, 我们就不用自己配置,点击Debug后查看执行的命令日志,发现cwd路径是Cargo.toml文件??? 正常来说我们手动在vscode中配置debug configuration这个值需要配置成↓ 应该是一个目录,这里怎么是Cargo.toml文件呢??? 尝试过用自己手动配置的debug configuration是可以正常debug的,...
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "(Windows) Launch", "type": "cppvsdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/target/debug/foo.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": tru...
CodeLLDB (OS X / Linux) It probably makes sense to go ahead and install theRust extensionas well. Configure VS Code Now that your tools are installed you need to configure your VS Code launch properties. Click Debug -> Add Configuration If you're on Windows then selectC++ (Windows) If ...
按F5或者点击Run > Add Configuration,如果 VSCode 询问配置类型,选择Rust (CodeLLDB)。 这将在项目目录下生成.vscode/launch.json文件,默认的调试配置大概如下: {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"type":"lldb","request":"launch","name":"Debug","program":"${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/my_ru...
“environment”: we need to add the build directory "${workspaceFolder}/target/Debug" of the rust plugins so that GStreamer can find them. “preLaunchTask”: we will use “cargo build” to ensure our plugins are re-built if we change our source code before launching the debug session. {...
This is exactly what rust-analyzer.run command does (obviously it uses cargo test for tests). rust-analyzer.debug is a bit trickier, but in the end it also uses cargo commands. ️ 1 Contributor vsrs commented May 18, 2020 We can have a separate configuration option to hide Run...
通过设置"env"字段,配置了两个环境变量:"NODE_ENV"和"DEBUG"。在代码中可以通过process.env.NODE_ENV和process.env.DEBUG来获取这两个环境变量的值。 对于VSCode调试器变量配置的优势包括: 方便调试:通过配置变量,可以在调试过程中方便地查看和监控变量的值,帮助开发人员进行代码调试和错误排查。 灵活性:可以根据不...
Allow breakpoints for Rust debugging. PR #9484 Make C_Cpp.debugShortcut settable per-workspace folder. PR #9514Bug FixesFix crash if clang-tidy returns a replacement with an empty FilePath. #9437 Fix skipping the compiler argument after -c. #9453 Fix -std:c++20 not being han...
在VSCode的扩展,搜索Rust。找到点击install。 或者Command + P,输入:ext install rust-lang.rust,回车。 通过cargo新建一个demo项目 # 新建项目 ➜ ~cargo new HelloWorld # 打开vscode ➜ ~code . 可以看到目录结构: . ├── Cargo.lock ├── Cargo.toml ...