--header 'user-agent: vscode-restclient' 2.4 支持发送curl 可以支持运行crul命令,如下: 2.5 将请求转化为客户端代码 操作如下: 我们选择python,结果如下: import requests url = "https://www.pkslow.com/" headers = {'user-agent': 'vscode-restclient'} response =requests.request("GET", url, head...
{ "rest-client.environmentVariables":{ // 环境间共享的变量 "$shared":{ "version":"v1", "prodToken":"foo", "nonProdToken":"bar" }, // local 环境 "local":{ "version":"v2", "host":"localhost", "token":"{{$shared nonProdToken}}", "secretKey":"devSecret" }, // production ...
GET https://{{host}}/musicRankings HTTP/1.1 c.rest-client 配置项: rest-client.environmentVariables : 开发环境设置 rest-client.defaultHeaders :默认的 header 请求体,默认为 { "User-Agent": "vscode-restclient", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip" } ; rest-client.timeoutinmilliseconds :超时时长,默认为...
在.vscode文件夹下面添加settings.json文件: { "rest-client.environmentVariables": { "$shared": { "version": "v1" }, "local": { "version": "v2", "host": "http://localhost:8000", "token": "tokentokentokentoken1" }, "prod": { "host": "http://api.cloud-wave.cn", "token": ...
"rest-client.environmentVariables": { "$shared": { "version": "v1" }, "local": { "version": "v2", "host": "http://localhost:8000", "token": "tokentokentokentoken1" }, "prod": { "host": "http://api.xxxxxx.com",
VSCode的REST Client指南,超好用的HTTP客户端工具 1 简介 在做Web应用开发的时候,经常需要测试Web接口,就需要一些客户端来发送HTTP请求到服务端。常用的客户端工具有Postman、curl等,经过多次使用,我觉得VSCode的REST Client还是非常好用的,介绍给大家。 它是VSCode的一个插件,要安装才能使用:...
vscode-restclient 此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/Huachao/vscode-restclient master 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支6 标签49
"rest-client.environmentVariables": { "$shared": { "version": "v1", "prodToken": "foo", "nonProdToken": "bar" }, "local": { "version": "v2", "host": "localhost", "dummyhost": "local", "token": "{{$shared nonProdToken}}", ...
REST Client allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly.Main FeaturesSend/Cancel/Rerun HTTP request in editor and view response in a separate pane with syntax highlight Send GraphQL query and author GraphQL variables in editor Send cURL command in ...
REST Client extension, you can author and sendGraphQLquery using the request body. Besides that you can also author GraphQL variables in the request body. GraphQL variables part in request body is optional, you also need to add ablank linebetween GraphQL query and variables if you need it...