有时候,将VSCode的窗口布局调整为全屏模式或者自定义布局之后,可能会导致状态栏不可见。可以按下`Ctrl + Shift + P`,打开命令面板,然后输入”Reset Layout”或“workbench.action.reopenEditor”,选择”Reset Layout”来恢复默认布局,这样往往可以把状态栏重新显示出来。 4. 检查扩展 有些VSCode的扩展可能会导致状态栏...
private registerListeners(sandboxed: boolean): void { // Window error conditions to handle this._win.on('unresponsive', () => this.onWindowError(WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE, { sandboxed })); this._win.webContents.on('render-process-gone', (event, details) => this.onWindowError(WindowError.PRO...
💡 Use the Reset Views Layout command to quickly get back to the default layout. GitLens Inspect An x-ray or developer tools inspector into your code, focused on providing contextual information and insights to what you're actively working on. Commit Details— See rich details of a commit ...
Ctrl + Shift + D:打开调试面板(Debug Panel),可以查看和管理当前项目的调试配置及断点等调试相关内容。 Ctrl + Shift + R:重新加载窗口(Reload Window),用于重新加载VSCode窗口,可以在修改配置文件后立即生效。 Q: 如何自定义VSCode中的运行快捷键? A:如果你对VSCode中的运行快捷键不满意,你可以根据自己的喜好...
Issue Type: Bug steps: 1.start VSCODE 2.view log(window) as follow: [2022-02-21 18:31:23.540] [renderer1] [info] IExtensionHostStarter.start() took 1149 ms. [2022-02-21 18:31:24.027] [renderer1] [error] [Extension Host] (node:14496) [DEP...
#define LV_DRV_DISP_RST(val)/*pin_x_set(val)*//*Set the reset pin to 'val'*/ /*--- * SPI *---*/ #define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_CS(val)/*spi_cs_set(val)*//*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/ #define LV_DRV_DISP...
com.apple.keylayout.ColemakColemak Windows: Refer to theim-select guideon how to discover your input method key. Generally, if your keyboard layout is en_US the input method key is 1033 (the locale ID of en_US). You can also find your locale ID fromthis page, where theLCID Decimalcolu...
Roadmap These are the big Vim features, put generally in the order in which we plan to implement them. Now follows an exhaustive list of every known Vim command that we could find. Custom commands gh - show the hover tooltip. ...