"explorer.sortOrder": "default", // Search // Controls the positioning of the actionbar on rows in the search view. // - auto: Position the actionbar to the right when the search view is narrow, and immediately after the content when the search view is wide. // - right: Always pos...
vim.showcmd Show (partial) command in status bar Boolean true vim.showmodename Show name of current mode in status bar Boolean true vim.smartcase Override the 'ignorecase' setting if search pattern contains uppercase characters Boolean true vim.textwidth Width to word-wrap when using gq Number...
refactor: ensure correct interfaces and remove old code review view Aug 21, 2023 Repository files navigation README MIT license WEBSITE|DOCS|BUGS Sourcery is the pair programmer who will help you improve your code. It reviews and improves your code automatically so you can spend more time focuse...
"editor.suggest.showStatusBar": true, // 控制建议小部件底部的状态栏可见 "editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": true, // 控制在键入触发字符后是否自动显示建议 "editor.suggestSelection": "first", // 始终预先选择第一个建议 "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": "matchingDocuments", // 控制是否根据文档中的文...
call remove(parts, -1) " 拼接成源文件相对路径 " foo#bar#baz() => foo/bar.vim let fpath = join(parts, '/').'.vim' " 读取全局配置 let vim_jump_paths = get(g:, 'vim_jump_paths', '') " 拆分搜索路径 " 如果是正在使用插件,已经包含在 &runtimepath 配置里了 ...
You also can remove the reference by click remove button. Auto save documents when close the editor panel or exit vscode. When editing the topic content, press ctrl + enter will complete the editing. Features Infinite canvas size for mind map editing. Markdown editor for topic and topic ...
If the above configuration flags do not provide enough control, you can remove the keybindings by editing your keybindings.json or using the VSCode keybindings editor: Code navigation bindings KeyVSCode Command = / == editor.action.formatSelection gh / K editor.action.showHover gd / C-] edit...
StatusBar Nodejs异步IO FileService ConfigurationService 插件宿主进程 插件实例 插件子进程 - 如TS语言服务 插件实例 插件实例 Debug进程 Search进程 后台进程 后台进程是 VSCode 的入口,主要负责管理编辑器生命周期,进程间通信,自动更新,菜单管理等。 我们启动 VSCode 的时候,后台进程会首先启动,读取各种配置信息和历...
"workbench.statusBar.visible": true, "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false, //打开文件不覆盖 "search.followSymlinks": false, //关闭rg.exe进程 "editor.lineNumbers": "on", //开启行数提示 //格式化文件 "[vue]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" ...
{//native debugger//"type": "lldb-mi",//"request": "launch",//"name": "Native Debugger",//"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",//"target": ".build/debug/${fileBasenameNoExtension}",///"terminal": "",//"preLaunchTask": "fpc: Build Debug",//"postDebugTask": "fpc: Remove Build Files...