could not establish connection to “”:Remote host key has changed, port forwarding is disabled 背景情况是原来用VSCode远程过服务器,后来服务器重装了,再用原来的ssh重新添加再连接出现上述错误 解决的方法: 客户端windows:是在C:\Users\用户名\.ssh上找到known_hosts文件,是隐藏文件,将里面原来关于该服务器...
Add correct host key in /home/haoyu/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message. Offending ECDSA key in /home/haoyu/.ssh/known_hosts:6 remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/home/***/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested s...
0. 本地vscode连接远程server的时候提示"REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED" 解决方法:删掉本地~/.ssh/known_hosts 文件中跟该server 相关的那行,重新连接,会重新生成一个key. 一直提示要输ssh publickey 的密码 可能是上次错误退出了,需要删除错误的记录 (1)ctrl+P 调出Palette, (2)输入remote ssh, kill...
1.6 has changed and you have requested strict checking. Host key verification failed. 经过一番搜索,发现是由于远程的主机的公钥发生了变化导致的 具体可以参考:ssh连接问题:解决REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED按照上述方式输入:ssh-keygen -R XX.XX.XX.XX (XX.XX.XX.XX为从机IP地址)便成功修复了这...
> Itisalso possible that a host key has just been changed.> The fingerprintforthe ECDSA key sent by the remote hostis> SHA256:L2u+dyztTxL50Qna6dDzoOT/D8G79pm1GJbXXhO+F6k.>Please contact your system administrator.> Add correct host keyinC:\\Users\\.../.ssh/known_hosts togetrid of...
>Itisalso possible that a host key has just been changed.>ThefingerprintfortheECDSAkey sent by the remote hostis>SHA256:teZb8yKzveqH5iVGOEalepGRmKhWlD2LZLNe0QqOChg.>Pleasecontact your system administrator.>Addcorrect host keyinC:\\Users\\bob/.ssh/known_hosts togetrid ofthismes>sage.>...
Linux SSH命令错误:ECDSA host key "ip地址" for has changed and you have requested strict checking.记录下方便记忆。 解决方案:在终端上输入以下命令: ssh-keygen -R "你的远程服务器ip地址" 非默认22端口登录 第一步:服务端ssh配置非22端口 #修改 ssh配置文件 sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config #默认是 ...
在本地计算机上使用以下命令尝试连接到远程服务器:ssh username@remote_host -p port(例如:ssh root@...
When trying to connect to my remote Linux server with my local Windows desktop machine, I get stuck in a loop having to enter my passphrase. It worked fine the day before. As far as I am aware, no settings have been changed. I can connect to the remote server fine with: My Windows...
有几个晚上发现 vscode 远程很容易断开,甚至断开之后无法重连,这时候 ssh 也无法连接,但是 ping 很...